Thursday, September 12, 2013

Highlight of my day.

Today I found out that I had a potato shaped head when I was born. I wonder why my parents never told me. My sister had to bring it up in a conversation and that's when my mom told her the story. When they came home, my sister and parents then told me the story. Very interesting. Wish I heard more about my childhood and my parent's lives'. It was very funny though. It made me sad at first cause it's random, but it makes me somewhat special :D It was Diversity and Disability Awareness Day at work so people brought in food from their culture. There was SO MUCH FOOD! Omg I had enough to feed 3 people if I wanted to. I barely ate like 1/3 of the food I got. I wish I didn't get so much since someone else could have eaten it. Either way, it was very tasty and thanks to my uncle who bought me the ticket! Can't believe tomorrow is already my last day. Caltrans has a special place in my heart after this summer and I hope to be back!  I also have to retake my DMV license picture. No idea why. I've been waiting 3 weeks for it to come and then I got the letter about a retake today. I wanted to have it before I go to school, but now I need to wait another 3 weeks. Maybe this is my last chance to finally get a picture! Let's hope so. Thanks to my mom and dad for letting me go on Saturday too <3 Good night world & enjoy your Friday! :]

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