Friday, September 20, 2013

Last day in the city.

Well it's finally time to head back to school. I packed most of my stuff. We just need to load the car, and I need to get a few more things in the morning. Can't believe it's already move-in day tomorrow! I'm already a sophomore :D Crazy how fast time flew by and summer is almost over. I got to hang out with friends today before I head back. Most of us are leaving this weekend. We went bowling and I got 99 :/ I was kinda bummed since I didn't hit triple digits, but close enough! Hopefully, I can bowl more once I'm back in school. Then we went to Flip's and I was so full since I ordered a burger and Fried Oreos. I didn't even finish all my food, but it was a fun day. Nice seeing everyone before going back. Here's to year 2 :)

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