Friday, August 12, 2011


I don't know how I have followers on tumblr. Don't see why people would follow me in the first place. I find it odd and interesting xD The first week is over. It's SO LONG. Omg my B days are freaking D: Then A days can get kind of boring but is MUCH better. I'ma really enjoy A days this year, but I don't know about B days. I'm not even kidding about this. I CAN'T WAIT for next semester. Except for the whole accepted/rejected from colleges. But for college classes I'm going to take, I can't wait. Hopefully I don't have to pay either >.> Excited now haha. Really hoping this semester won't be bad. Just hoping now. But I really gotta focus now. Dang computer. So tempting haha. I miss blogging too. Haven't really blogged all week >.> Man, one more year. I'm really leaning towards SLO right now, but who knows. Not with my SAT's. I'm making myself sad so I'm just gonna stop talking xD Good night world :]

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