Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Okay today was a good day :D Not only was school interesting to an extent, but I had a good time after too. Lit on film is turning out to be a lot funner than english, but I enjoy it. Etech is greattt :D And I mean that haha. Not cause of the guy xD Then helping people out with scholarships, talking to my sister about how weird my eyes are (I have really big and black bags under them and they're really small), eating corn on the cob, and just being happy. I felt good because people made it good and I was in a good mood. Lots of good. I don't know, even if I don't talk to them everyday, once in a while is nice. But this year, is turning out better than I expect, when I'm not stressing though xD I feel like I'm becoming closer to people I was distant from now. I see it as a really good thing. I need more people in my life to just have them around. To count on or just to have someone to talk to. It's nice and I'm enjoying it. Even if it won't last forever. Good night world & have a great Thursday!!! :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]


We're talking :]]]]

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It makes me happy to know you actually read my stuff. You're involved in my life, even though we don't talk often. I don't know how I feel as much, but it's still there. A part of me isn't willing to let go. But yeah, I don't think I did well on my calc quiz or the history test -_____- It was funny hearing about Mrs. Giannone's son who got an eraser stuck up his nose. Avid is always entertaining. But yeah, I can't get you off my mind >.> Oh I saw that guy that's cute ;D I didn't even realize it was him at first. So yeah. I feel like the ONE class I'm totally loving is Etech. It really gets my mind off of life and I don't know, I guess not being with the people I really know, keeps my minds off things. I think that's good since I been stressing like crazy lately. But I feel happy. Like yesterday, I wasn't really in the mood for anything, but today, I just felt different. Happier. Smiling more. Like nothing was in my way. Maybe cause I was stressing yesterday, but today was different. I wanna keep it that way. So I should stop blogging, and start finishing up my review. But I feel bad for you, the way she's messing with you. I don't know your life or relationship, but she's manipulating you. Get over her, unless you already are. I know it's not my place to say anything cause I don't know the story of course, but someone's better out there for you. I already know it. And I thought we were friends. Until you talked behind my back. Guess I know your true colors. I felt we were really getting along, but I guess not. It's awkward now. I act like I know nothing, but its hard. I just want to thank him. For everything you've done for me that you never had to do. I won't forget the small things you do for me. You think it's no big deal, and it means so much to me. Thank you. Man, my parents are getting on my back about coming home late. Gotta get homework done next week. Must not stress too much. Just gotta stay calm. Okay I'm running out of time, so I must finish. Good night world & have a great week everyone :]]]]]]]]]

Monday, August 29, 2011

I'll find a way

To blog more. But wish me the best of luck tomorrow for my first Calculus quiz. Still have to finish the homework >.> Nothing goes right, but a few things. Talking to you guys, just put a smile on my face. They way you all put good night with some type of smiley face at the end just made my whole day. Maybe cause I do that first xD But anyways, yeah it wasn't a bad day. I just wish I wasn't so out of it and not feeling like myself. Hopefully, tomorrow will be different. Well, I'll make it different haha. Good night world & have a great Tuesday!! :]]]]]]]]

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Most embarrassing thing ever! Omggg, can't believe that just happened...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ever feel...

I don't know. Like your sick of everything? You're tired of what's going on? Same stuff everyday. Nothing new. No one new. Everything just seems like the same old boring stuff. Maybe it's just me, but I'm getting kinda tired of this. I want something new, random, and good. Not bad. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

"We keep all our promises be us against the world In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say you were the one that got away."

The One That Got Away~Katy Perry

I found this song the other day and I love it :D Seriously can't stop listening to it haha.

When someone tells you they have bad news, I seriously prepare for the worst cause I don't know what to expect. I probably overthink it like everything else xD I really hope you're okay.

Man, I feel MORE sick. I kept on coughing nonstop in Lit on Film and in the car after school. I feel horrible D: Whyyyyy. I just want to feel better again and I can't. Shiz, this sucks.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Once again...

I'm freaking tired as heck. My eye lids are giving up on me and I still got like 2 more assignments to go. Gahhhhhhh. Good night world :]

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm so tired.

In the morning, I want to pass out. At night, I want to pass out. Problem is I can't. So tired, sleepy, yet I'm still on here idk why but I feel the need to blog. So much to learn with so little time. I'm looking forward to reading the Princess Bride. Woot woot :D Haha I really feel like I got even more sick. I think I have a fever, not a cold. Pretty sad how I don't know, but I don't get fevers much. But I've been super sweaty than cold lately, so I guess fever it is. It's time for me to sleep, or I will pass out during the quiz tomorrow morning. Not having lunch totally screws me over since I'm sick. Probably not good at all, but sadly, I have no choice in that either... Good night world :]


No that's not my word for you know what xD I just thought of it, well it randomly popped into my head. And the reason for that is because this one person always comes to me for help and that's it. We never talk at school, I guess a hi, but you have ONLY come to me for help with homework or school stuff. It's so annoying. What kind of 'friend' are you? Seriously. It gets on my nerves. I don't really care at first, but the more I think about it, the more I feel ehhh. Anyways, I just hope things get better for you. It hurts to see you hurting so much. I mean if you didn't tell me I'd be even more shocked that you felt that way. Well we don't have that many classes together either which sucks since it's our last year, but I wish we could talk and see each other more. I wish I could be there for you. I'm sorry I can't, but I'll always be a phone call, e-mail, IM, message, whatever you want and whenever you want, away. Even if I'm not you're 2AM (since I'll be passed out), I'm here if you need me. Anytime I'm awake, you can count on me. Don't be afraid to show your emotions. Cry if you have to. Don't hold it in because sometimes that makes it worse. I've gone through depression and it hurts. I felt like nothing could make me feel better and I was wrong because I got over it and no one knew. Not even my best friend. I still don't think she knows today but that's not the point. The thing is you CAN get over it and you WILL be better. I should probably tell you the story in person cause I don't think I told you yet, but we've all had problems. Open up, just please open up. I'm even getting emotional typing this, but I want you to know that I will be by your side, helping you as much as I possibly can. I don't like seeing you hurt at all. I really hope you know that. Don't ever shut me out. Please don't do that. I'm here for you and I will be whenever you need me. Our friendship means so much to me, so please don't forget that. You're one of those best friends I don't think I can live without. Oh man I'm getting all emotional and teary and my mom's home. But I hope you take this to heart, because I'm not that far away. I'm really not. More than anything, I want to see you happy again. You happy, makes me happy. So please, don't hurt anymore. Feel better soon. You Could Be Happy~Snow Patrol :]

I didn't get the more than anything from the song. It came to my mind first and then I thought of the song xD

Monday, August 22, 2011

"The only one for me is you and you for me so happy together."

I'm always hurting myself -___- Accidentally cut myself today with my folder. First the paper cut two weeks ago and now this. Anyways, watching The Lying Game and it's good. I hope Sutton comes back though. Omg can't wait for Pretty Little Liars tomorrow. I hope the finale isn't tomorrow. Gonna be another long 6 months (or whenever the next season shows up). Today was super long. Felt like I was gonna pass out in Etech and wanted to go home, but didn't. I just held on and I made it through the day. Went to Avid and started feeling really tired for some reason. Omg just saw the preview for PLL. Man I can't wait. Anyways, I'm always getting off topic. I was watching a movie on Sunday called Imagine Me and You and there was a song at the end that I loveddd. I was literally like :DDDDDDD Hahaha. It's called Happy Together~The Turtles Such a good and catchy song which is why I put it as my title. I need to get it lol. Now I will be stuck with band-aids for a while if I remember. Going back to watching tv. Good night world :]

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yup yup.

I can never think of title's for my posts haha. You can probably tell xD So I posted this a few days ago:

Random Fact Number Eight: So I forgot the fact, but I thought of a new one haha. I want to be at two places at once. Like standing on the border, and I can finally say I've been at two places at once. That's rare lol.

I'm watching A Walk to Remember and one of her things to do was to be at two places at once and he took her to the border of their state and Virginia. It was so sweet, but it reminded me of my random fact. Man, I feel sick and tired. I tried sleeping, but couldn't. I feel so weak too. I hope I make it through the week. It sucks being sick, especially when school days are so long. I just want to feel better again.


Still in no mood to do homework. I'm kinda sleepy. Only got 9 hours of sleep today and yesterday >.> I'm so tired and bored. Whyyyyy D: Go away runny nose -___-


I really don't feel like doing homework right now. Gonna play some omgpop >.<


My nose is really runny and my ears feel stuffed D: At least my throat is better.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Man, right after I admit it, I can't stop thinking about it. Nooooooo. Those memories are all coming back now.

Snickerdoodles+Peanut Butter=So Dang Good :D

I made myself a peanut butter snickerdoodle sandwich. It was super yummmyyyy :3 I know what I'm eating tomorrow hehehe >:D

Well on Friday I had 5 assignments: Calc, Etech, Comm St, English, Econ & Lit on Film. Now I only have Comm St, English, Econ, & Lit on Film. I swear, I did so much today than I usually would any other weekend. Maybe having a sore throat pushed/helped me. Who knows. I'm proud. That doesn't sound like a lot done but Calc takes hours since I mess up quite a bit, and Etech is time consuming. Yeah there's no way you can finish that 10 min before class. And everything has to be exact for me so it's like me moving like a turtle. But surprisingly, Etech was faster/easier than Calc xD Gonna start some Comm St and get some sleep. I really hope my throat doesn't irritate me overnight or tomorrow. I just wish the pain would go away. & I hope everything is okay Debora. Okay maybe I'll do homework tomorrow. I feel so exhausted. Good night world & have a great weekend! :]]]]]]]


I like him. It's settled now. Talking to you makes me all :DDD


I'm bored so,

Random Fact Number Eleven: I can finish a 400+ pg. novel in a day. I have to choose the book xD 

Random Fact Number Twelve: I love Piglet :D

Random Fact Number Thirteen: I hate scary movies.

Random Fact Number Fourteen: I haven't webcammed with any of my friends yet.

Random Fact Number Fifteen: I'm so undecisive that I flip a coin a lot.

Okay, that's enough hahaha.


Random Fact Number Ten: I loveeeee snickerdoodles :D They so yummy.


Yeah, that's exactly what I didn't expect. This explains everything haha.

My throat D:

I can't swallow anything without it hurting. Not even saliva. The pain DDDDD:

Friday, August 19, 2011


My brain is confused and pounding because of the Calculus homework I been working on for the past few HOURS. I'm stressing to the max DDDDDDDDDD:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Random Fact Number Eight: So I forgot the fact, but I thought of a new one haha. I want to be at two places at once. Like standing on the border, and I can finally say I've been at two places at once. That's rare lol.

Random Fact Number Nine: I really don't know myself sometimes. I'm unsure of how I feel a lot, but it's natural. I wish I knew more about myself. Strengths, weaknesses, etc. But I guess I'll find out more along the way.

Man I'm so sleepy right now, I can't stop my eyes from almost closing >.< Good night world & have a great Thursday :]


I feel like it's my fault that we don't talk much now. It's not because I didn't want to talk to you, but I felt like I was bothering you all the time. I gave you space, but I wonder how you feel/felt about it...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

400th post :D

I think it's written as 400th. Oh well don't feel like thinking. Anyways I haven't posted in a while so I will since my friend is doing homework and I'm waiting on him for help xD Went out to eat for Tony's birthday with the guys. Pacific and Aman didn't go so I was alone >.< Didn't want to be on campus alone since no one was in Locke so I just tagged along and read my drivers handbook. I gotta read it sometime. And left my english book in the car. That was fun-ish. Anyways, won't be posting much. As of now, I'm sleeping early so I can wake up the next day but homework gets in the way. Have to study for a history test tomorrow and read some pages for hw for Lit on Film. Not enough time in a day >.> Well, I must finish this. Good night world :]

Random Fact Number Six: When people have good manners, like letting you walk out first :3

Random Fact Number Seven: I think my friends know my feelings better than I do, specifically someone xD She somehow knows stuff before I do. Maybe she's right or I'm afraid to admit I'm wrong. I really don't know right now...

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Sometimes I wish my mom would realize my true intentions. I feel like she's too quick to judge and doesn't realize that sometimes, deep down inside, I'm really doing something beneficial. I wish she knew. But I guess I'm keeping things to myself for a while...

Friday, August 12, 2011


If someone was to ask that question, my answer would be straight up no.


I don't know how I have followers on tumblr. Don't see why people would follow me in the first place. I find it odd and interesting xD The first week is over. It's SO LONG. Omg my B days are freaking D: Then A days can get kind of boring but is MUCH better. I'ma really enjoy A days this year, but I don't know about B days. I'm not even kidding about this. I CAN'T WAIT for next semester. Except for the whole accepted/rejected from colleges. But for college classes I'm going to take, I can't wait. Hopefully I don't have to pay either >.> Excited now haha. Really hoping this semester won't be bad. Just hoping now. But I really gotta focus now. Dang computer. So tempting haha. I miss blogging too. Haven't really blogged all week >.> Man, one more year. I'm really leaning towards SLO right now, but who knows. Not with my SAT's. I'm making myself sad so I'm just gonna stop talking xD Good night world :]

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I don't know.

I feel like I don't know who I am anymore. What I want. What I need. I'm just unsure about everything now. I have no answers and I'm overthinking everything. Why couldn't things be simple again? I need to think things out this weekend. I need a break from everything. But I think tomorrow I will be okay. The future is never far away, but its coming by so fast I can hardly think straight. I'm confused and I'm not going to lie. I just have to face the facts and know what I want. But as of now, I'm not sure. I guess whatever happens, happens.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Senior year is already BLAH. I'm not even kidding. So much work with English and Lit on Film together >.> Then A days are literally like nothing. I wish Lit on Film was on an A day. Would be soooooo much better! No time to blog and there's so much to say D: Sorry guys.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I swear

My dad probably said sh** 10 times in the last 3 minutes on the phone with his friend. And I'm sitting here playing card games thinking WHAT THE HECK O.O

Friday, August 5, 2011

Time to sleep.

Good night world & have a great weekend. I'll hopefully have the handbook done by Sunday night :]]]]]]]

Oh yeahh.

On America's Got Talent there was this guy named Kinetic King (I think I spelled it right) and he always says "Oh yeah" hecka funny lol.

Random Fact Number 4: I want to go to an actual carnival. Like the ones in the movies with all the rides, ferris wheel, cotton candy, other food, etc. Not a fair, but a carnival. Would be a nice date xD

Random Fact Number 5: When I wake up for school, I brush my teeth, and go back to sleep haha.

Yes Number 5 is a bad habit, but I don't like waking up in the mornings (another fact xD). Unless I oversleep then that's a problem.

And I wonder...

After I do things, I wonder why I even bother. I try, yet I end up being the one who gets let down. I do things for a reason, but the more I try, the harder it is for me. I'm not sure if I can hold on much longer. It's time things go on it's own way...

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Just saw Nemo before she leaves. She got superrrrr dark. AIM wasn't working for me foreverrrrr. I was like DDDDDDDD: Nooooooooooo. I put a question mark as my status because I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I saw that video and it BROKE my heart. She had her whole life ahead of her. It's pretty messed up what people say and do. I wish I could've helped her or stopped her. Why is this world so cruel? Why do people have to hurt and suffer so much? This world won't be all rainbows and butterflies, but people don't have to be so messed up. What the heck is their problem? To all you bullies out there, grow the ---- up. You have no right to mess with someone. You're lower than them. Much lower. Remember that. You're sick and disgusting. You guys don't deserve to be in this world. Not these innocent people who did nothing wrong. It's freaking pathetic.

11:11 I'm sorry that this world is messed up, but I wish you can live a peaceful life wherever you are.

11 things to do before 2011 is over [from May 3]

1. Ride a ferris wheel :D
2. Go kayaking
3. Make 200 cranes
4. Get a different haircut
5. Experiment around
6. Take 2 pictures with a duck ^_^
7. Get something Colts related ;D
8. Ride a bike
9. Learn to make 2 new bracelet designs (not counting the relay for life ones)
10. Finish Shining Inheritance xD
Wow haha. I finished heckaaaaaaaa. I made over 200 cranes after getting the origami paper from Japantown. I got a haircut not too long ago and experimented around this summer. I just took my second picture at CalPoly :3 I rode a bike with my sister in June or July. I made I think 4 designs? Let's see the braided stripes, rag rug, the funky diagnols, mushroom and learning the knife. Thats 5 :D I finished the drama hecka long ago. Well I'm gonna make something Colts related :D Don't know about the Ferris Wheel and kayaking. Summer is coming to an end so probably no time for those. But 7/10 things done is pretty dang good lol. Woohoo I feel accomplished. Might go to Joann's tomorrow :3

Dear LA,

I thought I should address this to you since you made my week before school amazing in every way possible. So what better way to start than from the beginning?

Day 1 (Sunday): Woke up at 7:00 and left at 8:30. Took us about 5 and 1/2 hours to get there. We had some food, hung out for a while, and then my uncle surprised me by saying we were gonna go see CalPoly Pomona. I was like :O Oh dang I didn't see that coming haha. Omg the campus was freaking amazing haha. I loved it a lot. But it was massive. Glad we didn't walk around the whole place cause it was hot. I saw bunnies and squirrels around campus xD There were even ducks and turtles! I even took a picture with some ducks lol. It was a great view all around right by the mountains and near many cities so not in the middle of no where (thank goodness). I will highly consider CalPoly Pomona, but who knows
where I'm actually going to attend. Then we got back and I hung out with the cousins all day. Went out to eat dinner at East 180. There were many nice cars in the parking lot and we were naming them. I saw a giant dumpster and said oh and a garbage can xD Everyone was cracking up xD It was a very tasty dinner. I couldn't get enough haha. High class though. I can't forget what my cousin said, "In the future, we have to all eat out like this." I always wanted to do that. Someday just have dinner with my cousins like I do with my family now. It's like he read my mind lol. The lady was very nice too. My cousin ran into his friend and he couldn't get over that. Then we headed back home but we went the wrong way on the freeway xD Accidentally went to another city haha. My cousin kept saying "Lost Part 1" and so on. It was super funny. But dang, I can't forget the view I saw. It was like those pictures you see online on top of a mountain with views of a city at night. Just beautiful. On the way home, we saw this ritual going on with heckaaaa people with candles on the floor. I knew someone left this world. But the story behind it, I wasn't so sure... By the time we got home, they had to sleep, so the rest of us played Sorry. OMG. Every time I left start Justin kept switching places with me so I would get bumped back to start and couldn't leave for heckaaaaa long. Dang Justin xD I ended up getting 4th too haha. Yeah Sorry is so not a game for me.

Day 2 (Monday): Turtles from CalPoly :D My cousins went to Universal Studios so the whole house was quiet xD The rest of us ate at Baccali. Omg love that restaurant. It's really good for lunch and dinner. Their spaghetti is amazing. We always go there for dinner when we go. First time we went there for lunch. We went to the asian mall afterwards, and my mom got so many vases, flower pots, and paintings. It was crazyyyy. We went to the mall after, but Bevan couldn't go. Not enough room in the car >.> Went shopping at Westfield in Santa Anita. We ended up going to Macy's, Forever 21, Vans, Claires, Hollister, and Borders. When we were leaving Macy's, I ran into James on the escalator. I was like o.o Hi haha. Sooo random. Then we ran into each other at Vans, Borders, and when I was leaving. So weird haha. I ended up getting the floral sandals I wanted :DDD, a pair of flip flops, and Sarah Dessen's What Happened to Goodbye. Ahh I was so happy. I really wanted to go to H&M but we didn't have time to :/ Oh well. Maybe next time. Wish we could've stayed longer though. Usually we spend the whole day there. Literally haha. After we went home, we relaxed and ate dinner. Spent time with the family. Then my cousins came back from Universal Studios. We ended up playing Monopoly. Vinson ended up winning. Then we played Sorry again and Justin made me lose again. I was in rage xD But it was funny. He got 3 2's in a row which was also the Draw Again card. Super funny.

Day 3 (Tuesday): My cousins who went to Universal Studios was leaving for Long Beach so we all went and had lunch together at Green Island. I LOVED the lights haha. It was like light bulbs but around it was these napkin holders. They were massive. There was a place like Nubi's called FluffIce. Hahaha. The food was pretty good. Well except for the spicy food I accidentally ate xD I thought it was the green pepper at the bottom but it was a jalapeno and my mom thought the same so she ate it xD I don't like green peppers and she started choking xD But I really liked the rice and meat we had. After that we went vase shopping again and man it was crazy haha. Took forever again. All the kids got bored. I wandered at nearby stores. We then finally went home. All the kids and Uncle Sam squeezed in the van xD We passed by the same place where the ritual was at the other day. Bevan told us a girl was trying to cross the street and someone hit her cause there's a lot of cars that drive that way. She apparently just graduated from high school, and was in a coma. She was in the hospital and they pulled the plug. She died. I was so sad after hearing that. It was pretty hard to think afterwards. She had her whole life ahead of her. Just out of high school and got into college and everything. May she rest in peace. The night before my cousin drew pedo bear on the white board and they kept it there. Since I always take a picture of the board (I barely took one last year), both my cousins Justin told me to take a picture so I did lol. I put the smiley face somewhere at the top xD It even started raining but it was still hot there. Odd weather. It was really hot EVERYDAY haha. We took a family picture. The first in SO long. They then left for Long Beach and the rest of us used some sort of electronic for the day. We had big shrimp for dinner :D It was reallly good. Then we played PayDay, Sorry, and Chess. Brandy won at PayDay. Bevan accidentally put the cards with the rules in the deck for Sorry and it was his turn. He drew the 3 cards with the rules and we all cracked up. Everyone was laughing at the first card, then even more at the second, and we all just died laughing by the third card xD It was way too funny. I played Bevan chess and I lost. Justin played him too and he lost. Bevan's really good xD And I suck at it haha. We stayed up until 3 that night.

Day 4 (Wednesday): We had to leave on Wednesday. I really didn't want to. We went out to eat at the asian mall because they have the best wonton noodles everrrrrr. I wanted to take some home lol. It's really that good. And so much haha. I would totally move there in the future :3 Just cause I'm so familiar with everything. I even know the direction to the mall that's like 15 minutes away. I always had a good memory when it came to directions. After that we went to the bakey to get some Tiger Rolls. Man that's some reallllllllllllllyyyy good cake. I know Debora loves it lol. Gonna give her some next week. But the vanilla filling is just sooooo good. I don't think it's exactly vanilla but looks like it. Tastes even better! :D We brought like 4 or 5 home lol. It's too yummy. Then we went back to pack our stuff. We left when my aunt and Bevan were going to pick up Sunny. He seems to be doing so much better. He's really calm when we're around. He really likes PBS too. I was sitting in the living room with him the other day and that's all he watched. Even on youtube as well. I hope he gets better. He's even taller than me. Well Bevan and Justin are like a head taller than me -____- I'm just so short haha. We left. Went the whole ride without stopping and I had to go bathroom badly xD But I wanted to see if I could hold it for the whole ride. I did xD I'm so weird haha. We got home around 7:30. HAC still didn't work D: Still waiting on that. I saw the Hotdog on a Stick when Brandy told me so I took a picture of it LOL. Took pictures of many random cars haha.

Thank you for everything LA. I had a great time seeing the family, campus, cities, places, and much more. You gave me the best 4 days I've had all summer and it was great in every way. Thank you! ~Amy :]

P.S. Visiting again next summer hopefully!! :D Already looking forward to it lol.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Back home.

It is and isn't nice to be home. Went the whole car ride without stopping and I could barely walk earlier. Can't see my schedule >.> Why HAC D: Man Mary remembered the bet. Nooooo. Gosh she thinks I like him -____- I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Now we're making another more specific bet. She really wants to see me ask someone in particular to prom. Why Mary D: You're torturing me >.> I must win this next bet! Haha. We'll see... Good night world & have a great week :]]]]]]]

P.S. Wish me the best for whatever the new bet will be xD

Just sick of it all.

What annoys me more is that I'm serious and people think it's a joke. Like what the heck I didn't joke or anything. Man I'm in such a bad mood cause of that. Gah last night in town and I can't even have a good day. I thought you out of all people would understand. Good night world and have a great August. Sorry I'm a few days late.


Learned about my dads past. That was something. Sigh listening to my family talk about me and school and what not. I want to just disappear... My dad actually pays attention to my GPA which shocked me the most. What to do what to do... :/

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I'm going to miss LA so much. Great people with even better memories. You won't even imagine how much I will blog Wednesday or Thursday. Man I wanna see my classes but I can't yet >.> I really wanna see what I have. Hopefully I don't have Acadec but who knows. It won't be too bad hopefully if I do get the class. One more day to wait. Well gonna go get ready for dinner. One more day... Gonna miss it here. Then I gotta go home and study for my permit and finish Kevins bracelet. I'll blog whenever I can :]

Monday, August 1, 2011

What a day.

So we went vase and clothes shopping. My mom got so many vases I dont know how we'll all fit in the car. Went to the mall and ran into James. It was heckaaa random haha. I got sandals that I been going crazy over, flip flops, and a book. What a great day. Monopoly soon :D