Friday, August 9, 2013


I went on a spontaneous adventure with Jennifer and Carey yesterday. Jennifer called me and asked to come over so I said sure, thinking we were going to hang out at my house. It turns out she wanted to go to the park or somewhere since it was a nice day outside. My mom actually let me :D so we drove past the parks, but she didn't want to hang out at any of them. We ended up going to the levee since none of us have been there before and I thought it'd be nice to explore since it was close by. Turns out it was like paradise down there. I mean it's not a beach or anything, but there were hardly any cars, an open road, and it was pretty nice. We spent an hour there taking pictures, goofing around, and enjoying the view. I failed at setting up the camera majority of the time :/ It was quite difficult with the rocks/strong winds. Half the time it wouldn't focus either, but I'd go there again to hang out. I wish I went on more random adventures like that. Now that is a great way to spend time with friends. Good night world & have a great weekend (if you count Friday too and work has been great!) :]

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