Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dun dun dun dun.

Man I can't believe tomorrow is the big day already. I'm finally taking my behind the wheel test after such a long time. I think that I've practiced enough, but I'll find out tomorrow. I hope I get someone nice and praying it isn't awkward. No yellow lights while I approach the intersection would make my life great tomorrow. Well so would passing my test. I just need to remember to accelerate and stop smoother and slower, be cautious of my surroundings and the speed limit, and to stay calm! I know I can make the right decisions and I hope that a few months of driving will finally pay off. And if I don't pass, then I haven't practiced enough or I was careless. Praying for the best right now and that I do pass. Thinking good thoughts! Good night world & wish me luck because I'll need it! :]

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