Saturday, September 22, 2012


It's funny how people think they're so much better than everyone. I'm sitting here in my dorm doing homework and there's a group of people outside. Our window is open and I hear a guy saying how he wants to ask an engineer "are you antisocial" & "why do you stay in your room all day". Like really? Who cares if we can be antisocial (which many are not) and who cares if we stay in our rooms all day. Maybe we have better stuff to do like homework rather than going out to party or something. At least we're making the most of our education. He had no right to say something like that. It pisses me off to know that there are people who can't even respect their peers and think they are so much better than everyone else. You tell me, in 10 years, who will be more successful? An engineer or a guy who smack talks? We all know the answer to that don't we. Freaking jacked up people these days. Think before you talk. He better be glad he left before I got up.

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