Tuesday, September 11, 2012


"Just felt the weirdest feeling ever... It's depressing when a friend leaves you to move away or go to college, but now that it's finally my turn, the weirdest sensation has come over me. A flood of feelings, both good and not so good, rushes over. Excitement, nervousness, loss, gain, acomplishment, regret, happiness; these do not even begin to describe how I feel. Yet i am completely calm throughout it all. I am not sure that it has hit me yet, nor am i sure that it ever fully will. In all the excitement over the next few years, i dont think it will have the chance to sink in. When I began to think about it, I realized tonight is the last night of my life where my room is actually MY room. Tonight is the last time I think of myself as truly a high school kid. Tonight is the last time my friends I have had since kindergarten will be a few streets away. I am finally a college kid; that stage that, since I was a kid, I have both respected and been awestruck by. I remember thinking I would never get that old, and how I would never want to leave home, yet here I am. At the same time, I am not that kid anymore. I am in fact a college student now. I have gained so many skills since then- I can cook, clean, drive, and order food for myself, to list a few. Not only am I going to be completely independent, but I am capable of being completely independent. I know I can handle "it" whatever challanges "it" happens to be. I am also filled with a feeling that all of us have had for quite some time now- eagerness to leave and start our own life. So come at me, SLO, because I'm ready for ya."

One of my soon to be classmates posted this and I couldn't agree more. It's like he read my mind lol. But it's so true and that will be me in a day. No longer will I be a high school student, but a college student. It's hard to believe that all of this is happening, but it is. College, even if I'm not fully prepared, I hope I find the right people to guide me through this incredible journey. I don't want to miss out on a thing, but most importantly, I want to have the time of my life like I did in high school. So no more being scared, sheltered, quiet, afraid, or nervous. I need to be more open and willing to take on new obstacles. That's how I will succeed in life. Good night world :]

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