Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's been such a long day.

So today was my last day that I hung out with my friends before I leave to college. I have to say, it has been one of the best days. Of course it's sad that I'm leaving, but it's nice to see everyone together having a great time. I went to Sonics with Kenneth and I got my grilled cheese that I've been craving because of Danner. However, Danners grilled cheese sandwiches will always be my favorite and I'm going to miss them so much. So we never been to Sonics and had no idea how it worked so we were confused for the longest time ever. He figured it out and now I know how to order at Sonics lol. First time going there too. Then we went to Micke's Grove Zoo to look around. It's been so long since I've been there and the zoo is small but still enjoyable. I loved looking at all the different animals and seeing them in their habitats. We went to the little shop that 
they had and he had to get me something even though I kept telling him not to >.> But I guess I can cross it off my summer list at least so thanks. I was even thinking about buying it, but I couldn't decide. Then I got a souvenir penny. I can add it with my collection :D We left to see if the Japanese Garden was open and it was! I was like :O oh snap haha. I really did want to see it cause it looked so pretty online. I'm glad it was open. It was cool seeing the koi fish, the house thing, the different plants and trees, the waterfalls, the bridges, and the stepping stones. I really loved the bridges and stepping stones the most, even though I was afraid of falling a lot. We went to the garden and sat down for quite some time talking about all sorts of things. It felt so nice to be able to relax in nature. While sitting there and looking at all the trees and sun, I felt like Yoon Hee from Love 
Rain for a moment. Later on we went to Target and ran into Angelica and Bacon. We talked to them for a while and then they ended up going to Delta. We went to BWW to get seats and watched the games. Eventually everyone got there except Aman, but we still all ate. I really wish that everyone could have came, but I'm glad a lot of people did which is better than none. I had so much fun and at one point I was so into the Steelers vs. Broncos game that I made this quiet-ish scream and Bacon, Angelica, and Jessi were hecka shocked it came from me lol. I found it so funny but I didn't even expect that to come from me either. I was just too excited for the game, which they won :D Even though the Colts lost, Broncos won, which was good for me. Bren came late and we all hung out outside for a while taking pictures and talking. It was sad saying/hugging 
everyone goodbye but I know that won't the last time I see them. We're all so close that I know things won't change a lot when we all go our different ways. I was so happy to see everyone and they don't know how much I appreciated them all coming. It didn't feel like a farewell dinner at first, but after leaving, it sure did. Jessi, Angelica and James went to the car to get their stuff and that's when it hit me. After giving back their stuff, Jessi and Angelica gave me advice, told me they'd be there for me if I ever had guy problems, and said to keep in touch. That's when I finally got all teary eyed. James gave me another hug and I hope he liked his card. As they were walking back to everyone else, Kenneth said something like take one last good because this is the last time you'll see her and it was just so sad looking at all of them looking at me. I was pretty heartbroken, no lie. Today is honestly the day it's really hitting me mentally and physically. I had such a wonderful time with everyone and I'm going to miss them all so much. Also, 
thanks to Kenneth I really had a fun day. I hope everyone liked their cards/letters/pictures and dinner. I can't wait until we all meet again and thank you guys for coming. It's been a great way to end off my summer basically, and I enjoyed every single moment of it. There's no better way to celebrate than with the people you love to be around. I'm going to miss you guys so much! See you guys soon, very soon :]

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