Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wake up call.

Let's just say the nightmare I had was definitely a bad one. I thought one of my friends took their own life, but it turned out to be someone else (which doesn't make it any better). Nightmares can feel so real and that's what I went through this morning. I woke up terrified that something happened to you. My whole right leg and right arm was completely numb and I could barely move them. I tried to talk to you as fast as I could but nothing was responding on my computer. It was a terrible feeling and I hope that you're okay because as of now, I'm scared. Scared that something might really happen to you. I don't know why I had that nightmare, but honestly, I hope I'm not losing you. The moment you think someone close to is gone is one of the worst feelings you'll ever have to go through.

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