Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life, life, life.

I hardly blog since nothing really happens much. I wake up late, play Flower Shop all day, occasionally pack  stuff, think about all the stuff I should be doing but I'm not, and so on. Today is no different of course xD I mean I watched a movie with my mom, but then she went to sleep, and my dad but that's it. Oh I also packed most if not all my clothes. Need to wait for the rest of the laundry to be done and I'll be set. It's slowly starting to hit me that I'm leaving in a week. It doesn't feel like it. People bring it up all the time and I'm happy looking forward to something new and basically the rest of my life. However, deep down it makes me really sad to leave all this behind. I know I'll visit for sure since I'll get homesick (wouldn't be surprised if it was only after a few days too) but three months is a long time to be away from home. I left home for one week and that was science camp in the 5th grade. But this is 3 months, not 1 week. I guess time will fly but I can't help it. So no matter how happy or excited I am, a part of me is deeply saddened. I know I'll get over it hopefully, but I can't help the way I feel now. I'm going to miss my family, friends, and the place/city that I call home. After growing up here my whole life, now I have to leave it all behind even if it's not for long to some but it will feel like a lifetime for me. It's heartbreaking to realize all this, but this is life. It's time to grow up and be an adult now. The only problem is, what if I'm not ready for that? I guess either way I'll have to force myself to adjust. But until that one week goes by, I can't do much but prepare myself for the next 4 years of my life. I know things won't be the same, but this change might be too much for me to handle. I'm just a turtle hiding in my shell, afraid of what is yet to come. But one day, that gut feeling inside of me will be ready. Or at least, that's what I think. So as I write my thoughts, I can only prepare myself for everything. Even if I can't, I know at least I tried.

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