Thursday, July 12, 2012


Well now I know both sides of the story lol. I don't feel as left out now xD It's whatever. I hope my parents let me go next week. I'll beg them :D Hopefully that's enough convincing. Not like I haven't gone out with friends before but this is a little different. At least my mom knows all of them xD Well whoever "them" is going to be. Anyways today I went to the DMV got my permit, missed 2 :D, and now I can driveee. I'm still excited/nervous about that. Went to my grandparents to tell them the good news. Going to have dim sum tomorrow and then go to Costco. I can develop my pictures. Yayyyy. After we left, we went to Lollicup and Target to get some stuff. I chilled at home all day. Saw The Hunger Game finally! I can't wait for Catching Fire. I finally talked to you in a conversation after the longest time today. It's like we haven't talked all summer, but you're trying to have me included in stuff which is nice. At least you're trying, but it's nice to see the part of you that I don't see often. Manora finally uploaded the pictures so I can't wait to develop them tomorrow. I'm not tired so I'm just here blogging away. It's been a while since I really blogged about my feelings. I'm not going to lie, my heart has been confused lately. I feel like things are slowly changing. Not sure if it's good or bad, but they are. I feel like I'm changing my opinions/feelings about someone. I don't know why it's happening or if it's all just in my head, but I can't help it. That's the weird part. It's hard to explain, but something is different between us, but I can't describe it. Maybe I'm realizing how much things will change in a few months. How I'll be gone and you'll be here. How we might not talk as much. How I'll hardly see you. I don't know if I'll be ready for that, not just with you, but for anyone. However, I feel like I'll miss you the most. Weird right? Shouldn't I be missing all my friends equally? I'm guessing this is just a phase or else I don't know what this is.

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