Sunday, July 8, 2012


Man today was such a great day in a long, long time. Carey, Jennifer, Maryann, Sierra, and I all hung out for the day doing all random sorts of things. I haven't seen any of them since graduation so it feels like forever. We all met up at the Waterfront and had a picnic. I brought cupcakes that I made the night before. Jennifer, Carey, and I got there early so we were waiting for Maryann and Sierra. When we saw them, we were trying to call them over and then this guy next to us was like "Just yell AYE OVER HERE" hecka loud which was hilarious. Then he just left and we were like o.o and started laughing. Jennifer decided to buy Kool-Aid and apple cider for us but then she forgot a bottle opener. Then Jennifer and Maryann go wandering around the Waterfront asking people like this family and the ice cream man. Apparently the ice cream man had a 
knife (no idea why) but he opened it for us. It was so funny cause the rest of us were just watching them from afar. When they got back, we finally started eating and it was all smooth from there... Until this giant wasp appeared out of no where and we all started freaking out. They tried getting it away from the cooler but it kept going back to it. Eventually it left xD Afterwards, we walked over to the Children's Museum and of course, we were too old lol. Sierra seemed to be disappointed the most. We ended up going to the Waterfront Warehouse to walk around. Everyone liked it so I was glad I suggested it xD We headed back to the cars and luckily, Jennifer also looked up the Haggin Museum so we went there. It's free every first Saturday so we didn't have to pay :D Good thing lol. It was like I never been there before since it felt almost new to me. 
Brought back memories from when I went for extra credit with Angelica, Debora, Valerie, Oksana, and Dalia. Such good times. They switched two of the galleries with new pictures so that was cool. It's always nice to go learn about the past from the city you live in. Apparently there was an insane asylum which scared all of us out. After that we decided to go get some Lollicup and we told really funny/lame jokes/riddles. It was freaking hilarious. I loved the snowman and Lion King one. Man Sierra needs to send those riddles to me soon. We left to go to the mall and on our way there, Jennifer was like "I want to live in a suit" and Carey and I were like what the heck haha. Then I asked "Do you mean a suite?" and she was like "YEAH" hahaha. Omg we were laughing for the longest time. Jennifer is just way too funny without even trying. We got to the mall
and went to Forever 21 (got new sunglasses :D and hopefully they don't break this time), Old Navy, and Hot Topic. We took photo booth pictures after that which was so squished. 5 people inside a small photo booth isn't that fun lol. I think my toe dislocated inside too but then it located back (thank goodness or I would've freaked). The pictures came out soooo funny. The unibrow, asian eyes, and our sexy pose (which I think was the best). I had a triple chin during the sexy pose but then someone said my name and couldn't stop laughing and then I couldn't stop laughing so it didn't show up xD Oh well, maybe next time haha. Some of us got some Dr. Sibs since we were hungry and waited until it was about time. We went to Sierra's house to get ready for graduation photos and she had a picture of me from 6th grade framed in her room. I 
was just laughing and kinda freaked out when I saw it. When we were all ready, we went to the school. Took us like 2 hours just to take pictures which was so much fun. I can't wait to see how they turned out. Thanks to Manora, I'm sure they came out really good. I'm excited to develop them too xD I definitely need more days like today, especially with them since we see each other like twice a year, but I'm thankful for anytime we do spend together because it means a lot to me. Can't wait for dinner next time. We should totally go to Buffalo Wild Wings since their wings and potato wedges are so good. I need to recommend that xD Today was definitely an unforgettable day as always thanks to them. They are lifelong friends and I can already count on that. So I did 3 things on my summer list in one day :D I feel accomplished haha. Man my legs and feet are killing me. This is what I get for wearing sandals all day. Oh the pain. I can barely walk up and down the stairs. Good night world & have a lovely Sunday :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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