Thursday, July 5, 2012

19. Watch fireworks

I was trying to take pictures of fireworks in the house so I could upload them online but my camera wouldn't focus most of the time and I kept on missing all of the fireworks. Then my dad offered to take me near the school so I could take some pictures. I didn't think he was serious so I was like sure and he's like let's go. We ended up going and there was a lot of people watching them with their cars parked and chairs outside. Some people even sat on top of their car (it was a van too xD). There was someone in the neighborhood who was lighting them from their house which was nice. It was like a show on it's own cause they would light some fireworks every few minutes and it'd be different every time. They must have a lottttt of money to spend to show that many. I counted how many different people were lighting them in different directions and I counted 6, but in all I think I watched like 8 or more. I'm really glad my dad took me and I got some decent pictures too. This is a 4th of July to remember. Happy Independence Day everyone and thanks Dad for taking me :]

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