Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July/Isaac's Birthday.

So yesterday I went over to my cousin's house for his birthday. I hung out with the kids and we played Nintendo 64 twice and hide-and-go-seek. When you're as big as me, it's definitely not so easy to hide when most of the kids playing were half your age xD Still, it was fun playing with them. On the Nintendo, I played Mario Kart and they played Dig Dug and Galaga. I keep calling Galaga Galacticga for some odd reason. No idea what Galactiga even is. We had lunch there with a variety of food to choose from. I was very hungry since I didn't have breakfast beforehand. I woke up before we left the house which didn't give me much time to eat at all. After that, we all sat on the sofa and waited for our food to digest. Played more Mario Kart as stated earlier. We ended up going outside to play tag and of course, I was it. I hate chasing after kids, especially in sandals. No fun lol. But I did catch them :D When we were all tired we went inside and waited for them to get ready and cut the cake. (Even though this happened yesterday, I already forgot the order of playing the games and stuff so yeahh... Me and my lovely memory -___-) But only you know that xD So we all went outside and sang Happy Birthday. Everyone just sat around and talked until people started leaving. Then my cousin and her cousin started rollerblading while my sister and I hung out in the back. We took pictures and I played with the dogs. After, we decided to move to
the front to play and then people started coming back. We ended up playing with the fireworks they brought which was fun. It's been a while since I played with fireworks. Then we left since it was getting late. My dad took me to go watch the fireworks which you can read about in the next post. Good night world & Happy Birthday Isaac :]

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