Thursday, January 24, 2013


Well I got some time to spare real quick. I'm trying to finish my Geology homework so then I can study for my Chem Midterm tomorrow. I've been working for the play and it's been a lot of fun. I definitely need more practice though. Even though I think I have my lines down, when I'm actually practicing, that's when I blank out. Hopefully this doesn't happen during the actual play but once I start, it gets easier to remember my lines. I just need to practice more. Next weekend is the play already. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. Already at the end of my 3rd week of the quarter. So crazy. Norton is scanning my computer right now. Ready for another 3 hour wait. At least I know what to expect now! Hopefully this weekend is going to be relaxed and not too much work. There's also a CSA scholarship due tomorrow so hopefully I can have time to squeeze that in. I have quite a few things, but I got this. Really wanna watch Glee tonight so I don't have to wait 8 hours. We'll see how it goes and I sure wish it'll go well. Time to get back to work!

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