Saturday, January 12, 2013

If only.

So my roommate got this bag from Target which I loveee. Sigh I love coral and the bag is super cute. Ahh want aha. Oh well. I'll look at it from afar lol. Practice was alright today. I can't help but talk fast so I'll try my best to pause more often with my lines. I know I read fast because I get really nervous. I don't know how I'll dress like a hipster but we'll see. I still got quite a lot of homework left to do too. Oh this weekend will be something fun I guess. I've been pretty sad this week. School and stuff for the play has been stressing me out so much. I feel like I don't have time for me anymore. So much stuff is due and I feel like I can't stay on top of it all. Physics is the one class that makes no sense. I don't remember all this Chem stuff so I'm confused on that as well. I went to WOW reunion too and got to see a few people. I had to leave early for play practice, but I enjoyed playing Wii a lot lol. Plus I won twice during the first game where we chase Mario and once during the second game where you need to find the ghost. That was very entertaining for sure. But only one thing is making me happy and it's talking to you. I just wish you felt the same though. Earlier I was listening to Red Roses~AJ Rafael and the one line that was stuck in my head was "I wish I woulda asked you to be my valentine." Too bad I'll never have the guts to do so and you won't ever feel the same way. Good night world & hopefully you aren't stressing like me :]

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