Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stressed to the max.

I'm so done with everything already. Such a ehh day today. I ask my teacher to get out of class and she said I need to manage my time better. I leave early and my friend never showed up! I had to ask him an hour later and go to his room before he helped me. He couldn't tell me an hour earlier? Like really? I waited for so long. Also this morning we said we'd work on the hw together from 9-10 and he bailed out on me again. What is up with this? I was freaked out because I thought I was going to be late for rehearsals so I was rushing everything. I made it on time though. I didn't have dinner because of rehearsal so I was starving and had snacks. I called to say Happy Birthday but you didn't pick up or call back. Also in my math workshop, I was so confused on a problem because I didn't get the drawing so I was very lost throughout the rest even though my team mates were telling me what to do. I just didn't understand a thing and turned all red >.> Then someone took down the Chinese New Year Banquet flier I put up on our hall too D:< I don't know why either. The only thing that went well today was talking to Nathan for a minute before my laptop died, decorating my wall (which I love and I'm almost done ^_^), and that's about it. Seriously, these days drag on like there's no tomorrow and it's so frustrating. I know that this is only one bad day, but I'm so stressed out. I just need some sleep... Good night world :]

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