Thursday, August 23, 2012

Woot woot.

I found out my roommate :D Yeee. We're alike in so many ways that it's crazy. I keep telling myself it's meant to be since I was supposed to be in a triple. Anyways I feel relieved now. Well I was telling a friend why I don't like gifts a whole lot because usually I don't use it much, there's a time where you realize materialistic things don't matter anymore, or there isn't good meaning behind it. I don't mean to sound picky or anything, but I like gifts where I can use over and over and be reminded that this person really thought of me when choosing it or making it. Also, sometimes you realize that memories with a person is way more important than any gift in the world. I love gifts that have pictures or stories, something that reminds you of all the great times  that you had with them and the ones that will happen in the future. I like being reminded of people who are important to me. Gifts that have a lot of meaning or thought behind it is just I can't even explain. When people know exactly what you need, it's just crazy. However, sometimes people are careless or get whatever they think the person will like, which I can understand every now and then, but not all the time. Uniqueness is a key when giving gifts, especially from the heart. So I don't mean to rant about gifts, but it's just better not to give me gifts so you don't have to hear me go on and on about it lol. I love gifts and all, but save your money for you, not for me. That's just how I am. I can't change my mindset and I'm sorry. I really do appreciate any gift that people give to me, but whenever I give gifts, I'm a hypocrite. People always say they don't want gifts, but I always try to think of things they can use over and over, has a lot of meaning behind it, and something unique if possible. I can't help who I am. I guess you'll just have to deal or give no gifts to me. Giving no gifts is the way to go when memories last forever :D

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