Wednesday, August 1, 2012

California State Fair.

After coming home from camping, no one was home so I ended up going to our cousins house. We were just hanging out playing the Wii when my uncle and aunt said that we're going to the state fair and I was like :O I might be able to ride a ferris wheel lol. So we went to Subway to eat first and headed to Cal Expo. Our aunt gave us 15 tickets each but we ended up just putting them all together since we didn't care. I rode/went on a lot of rides with my cousin cause he wanted to go on a whole bunch of them. We got to ride the ferris wheel and I was like :DDD Dream come true even though I'm afraid of heights. It's okay cause it was all worth it. After that we just walked around and went on more rides. They had a zipline and I really wanted to ride it but you had to pay $20. Maybe someday in the future I'll get the chance. We went to some of the  galleries they had for all these cool things like photography and toys. It was a lot of fun looking at everything. I had funnel cake for the first time and it was amazing :D So yummy. We were walking around 
and then I saw Hot Chelle Rae and I realized that they were playing today and I freaked out lol. I'm not a die hard fan but I really do like their music. The chances of them playing on the day we went were so small but it was like a miracle :D After looking at all the different counties, we went to the farm. These two guys came out with a snake and scorpion and I was like :O So scary. My uncle asked us why we didn't want to go pet it and I was reluctant. I'm not a fan of bugs/snakes, but he said it was a once in lifetime chance so I decided why not. I pet the snake and it was soft but I didn't want to go anywhere near the scorpion after seeing it. The snake was enough for me xD After that we walked to look at the fish and I went to the petting zoo. I got to pet a goat :D They closed the farm down so I went to go pet a horse. We went to Wizard World after 
where they had all these cool things to play with. I got to make a circle and cube out of bricks. The square was too hard for me. Also they had these metal things where its "impossible" to separate yet I managed to separate 2 of the 3 xD My uncle was like how the heck did you do that haha. He tried it but it didn't work. After we left, we went to go watch Hot Chelle Rae perform for about 10 minutes which was way better than nothing. Finally got to see a real life concert! It was amazing singing with the crowd and cheering them on. We ate and had some tickets left so we decided to go use them all. I wanted to ride the ferris wheel one last time and we did :D I was so happy afterwards. It was freezing but it was worth the amazing view of the fair and even Downtown Sacramento. I had such a memorable time that day and I definitely won't forget it :]

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