Friday, August 31, 2012


I was supposed to go vegetarian for the day but my dad bought chicken nuggets...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


For some reason, my heart skipped a beat seeing that you read my stuff. A part of me just can't let you go until I find someone new. Guess I'm stuck like this until then...


Lately, I’ve been trying to think of a quote. Something short that will remind me to make the right choices in college and not to do something I regret. I finally read something that was perfect. 
“Don’t lose yourself.”

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Feelings aren't like a light switch. You can't just turn them on or off whenever you want to.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Love at first sight.

I'm watching a Korean Drama right now called Love Rain and it makes me wonder if it's possible to have love at first sight. I find it very interesting how someone can just fall in love based off looks. Guess you never know until it happens to you.


I just watched Letters to Juliet and of course I loved it and cried >.> While watching it I remembered a quote from The Vow, "How do you look at the girl you love and tell yourself it's time to walk away?" Along the lines of that. I just love romantic comedies, hoping someday, something like that will happen to me. Obviously it probably won't, but it'd be nice even if it wasn't perfect. I don't know what life has in stored for me, but all I want is to live it as long as I'll be allowed to. I really hope that that is 50+ years, but either way, after seeing that someone my age has passed away, it makes me sad wondering what happened to them, but also making me realize to enjoy every moment of life that I have. So please rest in peace. Even if I didn't know you, you had so much going for you and I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to experience everything. Good night world & cherish every single moment you have :]

Thursday, August 23, 2012

La Vie en Rose.

So I'm watching the movie Monte Carlo right now and they played the song La Vie en Rose~Louis Armstrong. Apparently it was in Wall-E too. No wonder it sounded so familiar. Ahh I love that song and what it translates to. I even changed my blog titles to that because I love it so much. Anyone who knows me would understand. It's too perfect :D Maybe this will be my wedding song lol. It's just that good. Thank you Monte Carlo :] Watching this makes me want to learn French and go to France even more. Oh the joy right now.

Woot woot.

I found out my roommate :D Yeee. We're alike in so many ways that it's crazy. I keep telling myself it's meant to be since I was supposed to be in a triple. Anyways I feel relieved now. Well I was telling a friend why I don't like gifts a whole lot because usually I don't use it much, there's a time where you realize materialistic things don't matter anymore, or there isn't good meaning behind it. I don't mean to sound picky or anything, but I like gifts where I can use over and over and be reminded that this person really thought of me when choosing it or making it. Also, sometimes you realize that memories with a person is way more important than any gift in the world. I love gifts that have pictures or stories, something that reminds you of all the great times  that you had with them and the ones that will happen in the future. I like being reminded of people who are important to me. Gifts that have a lot of meaning or thought behind it is just I can't even explain. When people know exactly what you need, it's just crazy. However, sometimes people are careless or get whatever they think the person will like, which I can understand every now and then, but not all the time. Uniqueness is a key when giving gifts, especially from the heart. So I don't mean to rant about gifts, but it's just better not to give me gifts so you don't have to hear me go on and on about it lol. I love gifts and all, but save your money for you, not for me. That's just how I am. I can't change my mindset and I'm sorry. I really do appreciate any gift that people give to me, but whenever I give gifts, I'm a hypocrite. People always say they don't want gifts, but I always try to think of things they can use over and over, has a lot of meaning behind it, and something unique if possible. I can't help who I am. I guess you'll just have to deal or give no gifts to me. Giving no gifts is the way to go when memories last forever :D

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Ahhh I find out my roommate right now! So excited :D

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I hope I have a guy friend like Felmer in college. He's different from other guys and there really needs to be more guys like him -__-

Saturday, August 18, 2012

World Market.

All the stuff I want from World Market for my future home :D

Hang out with the Commodorks :)

Last Thursday, I went out with some of my friends from Commodore. We were all hanging out since a few of them were leaving soon and everyone is about to start college or already did. I'm last to go :( But anyways, we went to Wingstop and it was empty which was great lol. We were quite loud too xD They decided to ask when we would get a boyfriend and Sierra thinks I'll get one by winter break. Yeah right haha. I mean I wouldn't mind dating, but I don't know about a boyfriend just yet. Afterwards we decided to go walk around the stores. Sierra, Maryann and I went to drop off our food in Sierra's car. Maryann put her soda on top of her car on the corner and it wasn't straight so her soda fell off the car and spilled everywhere. It was funny and sad though. After she cleaned up, we all went to meet Jennifer and she drove us over to Walmart. We 
basically wandered around the whole store. Everyone bought stuff besides me lol. It's all good though. We went to Pet Smart after to look at the animals. I thought they only had fish and cats, but apparently there's birds, turtles, snakes, hamsters, guinea pigs, and even a chinchilla. That chinchilla totally freaked me out >.< But the guinea pigs were so cute and energetic lol. After that, we went to World Market to look around. They had this giant rubber duck and I was just like :OOO NO WAY LOL. It was so cool xD There were freedom chips that were colored red, white, and blue lol. It was way too funny. I had a lot of fun looking at all these things I would loveee to put in my future home. It was nice talking to Maryann about what kind of tables we would like and stuff like that. It made me feel comfortable. I mean, how many friends do that with each 
other? Not mines until now haha. But it was nice. I hope they still have those things whenever I buy a home. I highly doubt it, but it'd be a dream come true if they did. I'll post a picture of the stuff I liked in a post after this. It was sad saying goodbye to them knowing we won't see each other until December. I mean usually we hang out twice a year, but this time we hung out like 4-5 times. I'm really glad we all got a chance to hang out whenever we did. It's been great bonding with them and I'm going to miss all of them a lot. I can't wait to see them all soon. Hopefully I'll be able to see Maryann and Sierra before I leave, but even if I don't, I enjoyed my day with them so much. No matter what we all do, we always have a fun time doing it. Now that is something to be thankful for. Best of luck in college guys, I know you'll all succeed :]

15. Go fishing

Yesterday I went fishing with my dad for the first time in years. I caught 6 fishes but they were all too small to take home :( I was disappointed at the end of the day since I didn't have any fish to take home, but I was glad that I got any fish at all. I got a lot of bites but I don't know how to fish well, so like over 20+ went away :( Oh well, next time I'll be ready haha. My hang got pretty sore too but I'm better now. It was a fun bonding day with my dad :D

24. Clean up all the stuff on the floor in my room and organize it


Well I did this August 9, 2012, but I never had a chance to upload the pictures. I finally cleaned up my floors and organized all my binders/past 4 years of work. It's all in order now :D

I wish.

Don't you guys ever wish that someday you could have that ideal relationship with someone or you're already in a relationship with that special someone. Even if you have your differences every now and then, they're perfect for you in every way. Watching dramas and movies always makes me realize that I hope I find that guy right for me. Even if he's not perfect, I mean no one is, but he's perfect for me. I hope that he's out there somewhere and can deal with all the problems that I can cause. I mean I cry a lot, and I mean a lot, so I sure hope he doesn't mind that... I have a lot of flaws, but I hope he's willing to overlook them. As much as I wish I could have that ideal relationship, I know that it's most likely not going to happen. Movies are so perfect that sometimes we wish that we could experience stuff like that too. I'm not asking cute dates or stuff like that. I mean it'd be nice every now and then, but all I want is to be happy with your company. That's all I ever want with anyone that I'm with. So whoever you are, I can't wait to meet you. But for now, I'll stick to wishing my life could be perfect like the movies and I'll cry over these Korean dramas alone lol.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

You know.

I find it interesting how we all have that first impression of someone from what we know about them and what others tell us. After we get to know them better, that idea we originally had usually changes over time. However, sometimes the person you think they are might be true. I mean we can all pretend and hide whatever we want, but once the truth comes out, there's no hiding anything. I guess I was right all along, you can't trust anyone. And I mean anyone.

Yes, it's happening.

So I've been addicted to this game and I hardly go on Fb or Tumblr anymore. Yay? Lol. Not sure if that's something to celebrate. Some good things have happened over the past few days. I received a big check (literally it's like a poster board even though it's fake), registered for my classes and found out I finished almost all of my GE's (it's unofficial, but I'm already ahead for sure), and I got to see some of my friends one last time before they leave (it didn't feel like it's going to be the last time for a long time, but I made the most of it). Overall things have been okay lately. Now I should write those letters, finish those bracelets, and do more stuff to enjoy the rest of my summer. I only have less than a month and I still have a lot to do. Too bad I'm so lazy >.< It's hard to believe how much things will change in a few weeks. It just doesn't feel like it, but I'm excited, yet I'm sad deep down. I find out my roommates next week :D Yay one more week until that, which I can't wait. But still, a part of me is going to miss everything. Home, family, friends. I'm leaving behind everything but my memories. I mean I keep on thinking about what it'll be like when I move out, but I never think about what it'll be like back home with me not there. My room is going to be empty. I remember when my sister left for a week to a trip and I was so bored without her. Like it's fun for a little while, but then it wears off very fast. Well I'm going to be gone, but I'm coming back. That is definitely something I'll be looking forward to. This is one of the biggest things I'll ever have to do in life. It's so hard to take in and accept it, but one way or another, I'll have to do it eventually...

Monday, August 13, 2012


Sometimes I wish I didn't have to go to college. Then I wouldn't feel like such a burden.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


I know that I have a problem and I need to stop myself before it's too late. I've been so attached that it's time I take a stand and do what's right for me. Tomorrow will be a new day :]

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The worst.

It's terrible when you need something so bad, yet you can't have it. This isn't just a shirt or a phone. This is a Cal Grant that I won't be getting. I'm so sad. I really don't know what will happen now...


So I got my classes for next quarter and I'm so excited. 17 units and 5 classes is going to be something. Hopefully I can end up dropping the classes I don't need but we'll see. I don't know how I'll survive Monday for 7 hours at 7AM. This is like Chem all over again. Well it could be worse! Glad it's not :D I'm happy with my schedule but I hope everything gets fixed. Good night world & I need to stop sleeping so late :]

"There's no such thing as easy love."

~Yoon Seul (Secret Garden, Episode 17)

This is a line from a drama I'm watching. It's so true.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


How do you let go of the one you love? I don't see how that's possible.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Just when I think that I don't need professional clothes anymore, I always do. Somehow it just magically appears every now and then. Senior year, I wore professional clothing 5 times which is more than I ever have worn my entire life. I need to fix up my wardrobe. Sigh. But it's worth it in the end :D

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The 112.

Here is my life's bucket list of places I want to go, things I want to do, and things I hope to accomplish. I thought it would be easy to compile a list together, but man was I wrong. It took me 2 days filled with editing and adding, but it all paid off in the end. Now let's see if I can even accomplish some of these things. Even if I don't, I'm glad I took the time and effort to make one all thanks to Erika. So here we go :]

1. Oakland California Temple, California
2. Coit Tower, California
3. Mission Peak, California
4. Urban Light, California
5. Santa Monica Pier, California
6. Griffith Observatory, California
7. Hollywood, California
8. Hearst Castle, California*
9. Stratosphere, Las Vegas
10. Four Corners, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah
11. Lucas Oil Stadium, Minnesota
12. Mall of America, Minnesota
13. American Loan and Jewelry, Michigan
14. Niagara Falls, New York
15. Ground Zero, New York
16. Cape Cod, Massachusetts
17. Underground City, Canada
18. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
19. Stonehenge, United Kingdom
20. Eiffel Tower, France
21. Mont Saint-Michel, France 
22. Jardin du Luxumbourg, France
23. Louvre, France
24. Versailles Palace, France
25. The Moses Bridge, Netherlands
26. Trevi Fountain, Italy
27. The Coliseum, Italy
28. Venice, Italy
29. House of Juliet, Italy
30. Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy
31. Athens, Greece 
32. Northern Lights at Hotel Igloo Village Kakslauttanen, Finland
33. Tunnel of Love, Ukraine
34. Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, Russia
35. Saint Basil’s Cathedral, Russia
36. Ithaa, Maldives
37. Taj Mahal, India
39. Forbidden City/Great Wall, China
39. Yi Peng Festival, Thailand
40. Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia
41. Banpo Bridge, South Korea
42. Japanese Wisteria Tunnel, Japan
43. Pink Lake, Australia
44. Bora Bora, France
To Do at Places
45. Put a piece of gum on Bubblegum Alley, California*
46. Write on the before I die wall, Louisiana
47. Kleinfeld Bridal, New York
48. Ice Skate in Central Park, New York
49. New Year’s Eve, New York
50. Macy’s 4th of July fireworks, New York
51. Carlo’s Bake Shop, New Jersey
52. Put a love lock, France
53. Water bicycle in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
54. Eat ramen, Japan
55. Ride the London eye (England), Singapore flyer (Singapore), or Star of Nancheng (China)
To Go
56. Go to a professional football game
57. Go to a drive in movie*
58. Go to a glow in the dark miniature golf course
59. Go to a Taylor Swift concert
60. Go to a Hello Kitty café
61. Go to Disneyland in another country
62. Go to an Olympic stadium
63. Go to a walk through aquarium
64. Go to another country
To Do
65. Zip line
66. Snorkeling 
67. Ride a gondola
68. Ride in a hot air balloon
69. Parasailing
70. Take a dance lesson
71. Canopy tour
72. See Halley’s comet
73. Solve a Rubik’s cube
74. Learn braille or sign language
75. Send a present to a soldier
76. Go through a tunnel of lights or Japan's Spectacular Tunnel of Lights, Japan
77. Sleep under the stars
78. Throw a dart on a map and go there
79. Tie a note to a balloon and let it go
80. Send a message in a bottle
81. Launch a sky lantern*
82. See a rainbow rose
83. Witness a meteor shower
84. Ride in an airplane
85. Take a picture of a beautiful city at night
86. Walk through a drive through
87. Watch a movie in a cemetery
88. Make something from scratch
89. Make 1000 paper cranes
90. Ride a cable car
91. See or be in a flash mob
92. Ride a helicopter
93. Give $20 to a random person
94. Give a gift to a cancer patient
95. Walk under cherry blossom trees
96. Run in a marathon
97. Open my own store
98. Go vegetarian for 2 weeks
99. Donate money to charity/organization
100. Change someone’s life
101. Get my license
102. Join an organization that helps others (like the Peace Corps)
103. Graduate from college
104. Find a job I love
105. Own a house
106. Get a dog or cat (preferably a Maltese)
107. Make my own postage stamp
108. Have a marriage more beautiful than my wedding
109. Write a letter to myself and open in 5 years
110. Repay my family for everything
111. Fall in love
112. Live life to its fullest

Friday, August 3, 2012


In two weeks, some of my closest friends whom I've known for so long are going to depart ways. They'll all go towards the next step in their lives and I couldn't be more proud. I'm thankful for meeting the best people during my high school years and they don't know how much I appreciate everything we've gone through. From the good times to the bad, they've been by my side, helping me along the way. And for that, I hope they know how much they mean to me. Even if we're all miles apart, you guys have change my life for the better, and our friendship will keep us close. Best of luck to everyone, you guys truly deserve it.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


It's so hard to get one little thing to go my way. Why is that?


Something is wrong with everyones internet right now and it's freaking me out. Trying to blog as fast as I can before it stops loading. What is going on right now? D: And apparently I talk loud on skype even when I'm trying to talk quietly >.< Good night world & hopefully I find out what's wrong tomorrow :]

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I wish.

Over a month ago, my mom told me to get my permit and then I can do whatever I want, go wherever I want. Now that I've gotten my permit, not a single thing has changed. I'm basically under house arrest because I go out too much to see my friends. I go out less than I did in school. Like what is this? I just want some freedom to hang out with people I may never see for a very long time. It's way better than staying at home all day doing nothing. You're unhappy that I stay home and you're unhappy I go out. Why can't you just let me do what I want. I've done everything to make you happy yet you can't return the favor. To think all this hard work would finally pay off, but it never does. I can never make you happy. My dad told my mom that I'm going out tomorrow and you know what she says? She says "You're going out again? Why don't you go out and drive since you only have a month left?" I understand that I already went out Sunday so I shouldn't for a while. That I know. But driving again? I got my permit, isn't that enough? I know I'll be gone for several months so I'll practice when I come back. I'm only taking a break because the weather is crazy hot this week. If I went to every thing I was invited to, you'd hate it even more. I don't even go to many events because I know that you'd be unhappy. I just don't know how you draw the line. I give up a lot for you, but I feel like it doesn't matter. Things will go back to the way they were before in 2 weeks. I'll be home all the time doing nothing since a lot of people are leaving. Can't I just enjoy everything now while I still have the chance? In 2 weeks, everything will be different, but that doesn't matter to you. My personal life isn't important. All that matters is driving. Even if I get my license there will be a new set of rules. Not a single thing changes. Ever. I know you're looking out for me, but going out every now and then isn't going to hurt me. To make you happy, I won't go to anything else now. I'll stay home and start driving as soon as possible. I hope you're happy cause you're getting what you always wanted. I know I'll get over this and forget about it, but right now, I wish you would give me some freedom. That's all that I ever wanted from you. Freedom.

Them days.


July 29, 2012. My Kool Kat and I went to our cousins house to hang out and we played with Legos. I ended up making this Lego house thing for animals. It's hard when you don't have a lot of pieces. Then we played with American Girl Dolls after as usual. We had In-N-Out for dinner and headed to the bowling alley. It was nice seeing everyone after a long time. We had Thai food afterwards and went back to the bowling alley. It was a lot of fun and hopefully I can see everyone tomorrow :D

California State Fair.

After coming home from camping, no one was home so I ended up going to our cousins house. We were just hanging out playing the Wii when my uncle and aunt said that we're going to the state fair and I was like :O I might be able to ride a ferris wheel lol. So we went to Subway to eat first and headed to Cal Expo. Our aunt gave us 15 tickets each but we ended up just putting them all together since we didn't care. I rode/went on a lot of rides with my cousin cause he wanted to go on a whole bunch of them. We got to ride the ferris wheel and I was like :DDD Dream come true even though I'm afraid of heights. It's okay cause it was all worth it. After that we just walked around and went on more rides. They had a zipline and I really wanted to ride it but you had to pay $20. Maybe someday in the future I'll get the chance. We went to some of the  galleries they had for all these cool things like photography and toys. It was a lot of fun looking at everything. I had funnel cake for the first time and it was amazing :D So yummy. We were walking around 
and then I saw Hot Chelle Rae and I realized that they were playing today and I freaked out lol. I'm not a die hard fan but I really do like their music. The chances of them playing on the day we went were so small but it was like a miracle :D After looking at all the different counties, we went to the farm. These two guys came out with a snake and scorpion and I was like :O So scary. My uncle asked us why we didn't want to go pet it and I was reluctant. I'm not a fan of bugs/snakes, but he said it was a once in lifetime chance so I decided why not. I pet the snake and it was soft but I didn't want to go anywhere near the scorpion after seeing it. The snake was enough for me xD After that we walked to look at the fish and I went to the petting zoo. I got to pet a goat :D They closed the farm down so I went to go pet a horse. We went to Wizard World after 
where they had all these cool things to play with. I got to make a circle and cube out of bricks. The square was too hard for me. Also they had these metal things where its "impossible" to separate yet I managed to separate 2 of the 3 xD My uncle was like how the heck did you do that haha. He tried it but it didn't work. After we left, we went to go watch Hot Chelle Rae perform for about 10 minutes which was way better than nothing. Finally got to see a real life concert! It was amazing singing with the crowd and cheering them on. We ate and had some tickets left so we decided to go use them all. I wanted to ride the ferris wheel one last time and we did :D I was so happy afterwards. It was freezing but it was worth the amazing view of the fair and even Downtown Sacramento. I had such a memorable time that day and I definitely won't forget it :]


Finally time to blog about what happened over the past week or so. I went camping for 3 days and 2 nights last last Sunday through Tuesday. We got there and have a few problems trying to get in but after a long time, it all worked out. We were given campsite 38 and 40 which wasn't bad and after figuring out the parking issues, we unloaded all out stuff and set up tents. After that we went to the lake and my cousins swam. We went back to the campsite and started filling up water balloons but the kids ended up using all of them when we went on the bike ride. That hill was crazyyyyy haha. I mean it was so steep but so much fun :D Later on that night we roasted marshmallows. I thought they tasted the same except warmer. Maybe I did it wrong. We played Othello in my cousins tent because it was so big and spent the night there since out tent couldn't fit 4 of us. My uncle snores really loud though >.< One of our neighbors at the  
campsite got drunk and started singing but I didn't hear him. I heard him the next day xD But they were so loud singing and laughing and I couldn't even sleep. Then my cousin went and yelled at them xD It was funny. The next morning we had breakfast and played a whole bunch of sports. I can throw a football pretty well :D Yay haha. They also set up a hammock which was fun to sit on too. We all played a game of Monopoly, had some noodles, and went to the other side of the lake. It was a lot bigger with less people but it was so windy. The wind was sort of warm too so it wasn't pleasant but the view was very nice. After that we relaxed listening to the radio and played some Othello. We took a "hike" at the dried creek next to the campsites and it was fun. Apparently everyone saw the deer except me :( There was even this large group of Asians camping there too ;D That night we played Monopoly and my cousin flipped the board so the game 
was over but it was hilarious cause no one expected it. I got to stargaze several times and view was unbelievable. It's really spectacular when you first look and there's this endless number of stars in the sky. It was beautiful. We all went to sleep and the next morning we packed up and left. For my first camping experience, this was definitely very memorable and I hope I can go again :D


I'm not sure what to think anymore. I mean it's okay for people to read my blog and all but yeah... some things are just weird.