Saturday, June 16, 2012

You know when you got something good.

Today made me realize how much I really do appreciate everything in my life. From spending time with my parents and grandparents to eating out with my moms friends to webcamming, it was a very memorable day. So I went with my parents to go get some paperwork they needed and on the car ride they were telling me about stories when I was younger. It's just heartwarming to hear them especially when they're funny. Then I got bad news that my grandpa's sister passed away. My best wishes goes out to the whole family. Not something I expected, especially since I never met her before, but I hope my grandpa's okay. I don't really hear him talk about his sisters that much besides the one in New York, but he seems to be so strong. She lived a long time too, 94 years, which is amazing. As long as she's in a better place now looking over us, that's all I could really hope for. I got to make "chinese tamales" too which was fun :D Even though one was kinda loose I guess you can say haha. Then my grandma made this jumbo one. It was just hilarious. After we got home, I finished baking the gifts, and I'll wrap them up tomorrow. Excited for the debut :D Finally get to see some classmates lol. I can't wait. Then I just relaxed until my mom told me that she was going to eat Pho with her friends so I decided to tag along. Better than staying home doing nothing. I got a number 2 and man it was good. The noodles were amazing :D The meat was pretty good but I liked it all haha. Ran into James too. After we went to Lion King which brought back memories of the past. Haven't been there for the longest time. Lots of flashbacks today that's for sure. Came home and watched tv with my mom. We were watching Say Yes to the Dress and Randy to the Rescue which was fun bonding time. I don't know why but I just love watching wedding shows xD Nice to see people happy haha. Talked to Brandy for a bit. Sounds like she's having fun, but she'll be back tomorrow. Can't wait to see the pictures and hear about the trip. Also webcammed with Kenneth for a long time. Surprised I didn't pass out cause I was so close too. Even now, I'm about ready to sleep soon. Listening to music on Felmer's page. He has a good taste in music haha. So yeah, it's been a good day. Even though that dream this morning was wack. I mean  Earth was being attacked and our senior class had to save Earth. I've been watching too many action trailers for movies or something xD Weird cause some people in our class was like against us, but then at the end we won. I, of course, was sitting with you two which didn't surprise me. Right when I think I'm forgetting, something always happens. As much as I try to forget, I can't. I guess it can't end this way either. Staring at you in my dream was just so weird. I mean I think I'm fine, but seeing you is just different. So I don't know if that dream is like a sign or what. Whatever it is, I guess I'll find out soon since I'll be seeing you. Still a good day with all the craziness xD It just made me realize how lucky I am to have what I got. A loving family, great friends who are there for me, and memories that I don't want to forget. Party weekend now haha. Good night world :]

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