Saturday, June 23, 2012

What a lovely day.

I'm so happy for Jessi that I don't even know where to begin. Today has amazing written all over it lol. I got to enjoy a wonderful moment in Jessi's life and I'm glad I got the chance to be there to witness it. It was very small, just the 3 of us sitting at the ceremony, but it was so memorable. You could just see how happy she was standing up there with him. After the ceremony, we took pictures and then ordered our food. Angelica and Valerie got there during lunch and we all just talked. Afterwards, Jessi threw the roses instead of her bouquet and it was just hilarious. The order was: Valerie, Angelica, Kenia, Mary, Me, and Dalia. I wasn't even trying so I don't care xD It was funny cause Valerie and Kenia were soooo eager to get a rose first, it was chaotic. Kenia dropped hers, and what was even worse was that her rose fell off and I couldn't stop laughing cause she made it so dramatic. I was almost crying because it was just too funny xD Then we made toasts, ate cake, they opened their gifts, and took more 
pictures. Overall, the wedding was sweet and simple, which was perfect. Afterwards, the rest of us ended up going kayaking which was crazy. All the girls were in their dresses and Manora came with us. I got soaked from the wind blowing the water, Mary and Valerie splashing me, and even me splashing myself xD I kept getting Mary wet and I felt so bad. First for everything lol. I couldn't stop the paddle from splashing. We just hung out for the longest time and Valerie and Dalia even stood up on their kayaks. Crazy if you ask me haha. After we got off, we all stood up to dry off and saw this guy in his kayak repeatedly flip himself into the water and back up. It was so random but it was hilarious. We sat on a bench and relaxed after that work out xD I got tired so many times while paddling. I'm so weak >.< Mary and I ended up going to Chipotle 
 and Manora and Valerie went to go pick up Angela. We went to find Dalia afterwards since they were going to Kevin's and Mary dropped me off at home. Today was crazy from the beginning to the end, but the excitement of it was there throughout the entire day. It's definitely a day that I know I won't forget. I even did two of the things on my summer list. 

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