Monday, May 14, 2012

Some guys are conceited too.

That has nothing to do with my post though. I swear, some people just love to start drama and it annoys the heck out of me. Why don't you man up, stop hiding behind a mask, and say it to their face. It's stupid how people beat around the bush or say something straight up but hide who they really are. Like really? Are you that much of a chicken to say it where everyone can see? It's freaking pathetic how self-centered and low people really are. You have to cause drama and make a big deal about everything. Even something that's stupid. I can't believe that people like this live each day happily knowing that they're being a wuss. Man up someday is all I got to say. I hate dealing with people who cause drama because it's so pointless. It draws people away since no one wants to deal with it and it shows what kind of person you really are. You can lie all you want, but it doesn't surprise me how you ended up this way. Not one bit. The more I hear, the worse it gets too. When will all this lying and drama stop? Oh right, it won't because you'll never learn true manners and what it takes to be a real friend. Glad I won't have to deal with people like you anymore. The sooner, the better. As you can see, I'm pretty mad about this since I can't stand people like that. It annoys me so much since they think they can do whatever they want. It doesn't matter cause you'll get what you deserve. Oh wait, it's too late cause you're already suffering aren't you? Grow up already.

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