Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The more I think about it, the more I realize that I'm really excited for college life. There's going to be so much to take in, yet I'm ready for a new place. I know I'll be all awkward and shy, but it's that feeling of a new place that feels so nice. Even though I have to always keep on top of things without someone there to tell me, I know that if I keep motivating myself, I'll find a way to do everything that I need to. College life is going to be a huge change, but I have to start adjusting to it now. I must follow schedules, stay on task and on top of assignments, have better time management skills, not procrastinate (as much), and really explore everything SLO has to offer. I know it'll be hard, but sooner or later, I'll get use to my new home. I'm really excited to meet new people and explore the school/city. I'm just so excited for it all that I'm going to miss home a lot. I also realize how everyone will be going their own ways, but I know that no matter how far apart we are, I'll always be wishing them the best in life. Whether we talk or not, I hope that they'll succeed in whatever they decide to do. Even if I'm not as close to them, it's nice to be around them while I still have the chance now. All I can do is hope that we can all try to stay in contact with another. Being alone definitely makes it harder on me, but it'll be easier for me to branch out and hopefully break out of the shell I close myself in. There's just so much college has to offer, and I can't wait for orientation. That's going to be the first step of my college adventures. It's going to be a pre-college eye-opener for me. I'm not going to live there yet, but overnight one night is better than nothing at all. I'll finally know what it feels like to be away from home. Three more weeks, 14 more days, and who knows how many more hours, but all I know is, I have to make the most of the time I have left.

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