Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bittersweet day.


Well today was Stagg's graduation and it was great seeing Aaron and Sierra graduate. I'm so proud of them! Aaron got way taller and Sierra's valedictorian speech was totally Sierra that's for sure. I felt so happy for them and seeing all those people come together for one special day was very heartwarming to me. I also got to spend time with Jennifer after school at Baskin Robbins and KFC. I got my potato wedges that I wanted xD Then I saw Maryann and Kenneth at the ceremony too. I still can't get over how great it was to see such an important moment of my friends life happen before me. It was so surreal. And now it's slowly starting to hit me that I'll be graduating in a few days. Man time sure flies by. So I took my stats test and I got an 87%. However my grade in the class went up just .3% so now I have 89.3%. EIGHTY NINE POINT THREE PERCENT. I swear, I get the worst luck when it comes to classes. I'm always point something away from an A. Well I hope this isn't the case this semester. Please change my lowest test grade, pleaseee. Overall, it was a wonderful day. I got lots of compliments on my visual allusion which was nice. Mr. K told me it was one of the best artworks he's seen over the past few years and it should be more than $12 xD I was like :O more than $12? lol. But I'm really glad people liked it. I plan on giving it to him Thursday though since I'll have no use for it. Government presentation could have gone a lot better, but it's over and done with. It's way too late. We get our yearbooks tomorrow too :D Good night world & have a great week :]

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