Thursday, May 31, 2012


It takes a lot to sacrifice something, but if it's really worth the risk, then you sacrifice it anyways knowing that the outcome could go either way.


"There's nothing you can change about the past but the future."

This was from a television show called Touch that I really like. Man it's accurate.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hardcore Pawn.

Man this show is so interesting that I've been hooked for the longest time. I really wonder what people actually do with the money they get though. It's a crazy world out there.

I just want to forget.

Through all the times we spent together, I can't help but want to forget about you. Even though you brought me so much happiness, you still hurt me without trying. Although you'll never know, sometimes I wish I could forget everything we had. But deep down inside, I know I can't because you helped made me the person I am today. As much as I want to forget, I can't. If things were different between us, then I wouldn't be in this situation. Why did you have to disappoint me so much? Why do things have to be this way? Why can't you be what I always thought you were? Life is filled with disappointments, but I never would've expected you to disappoint me of all people. You hurt me without trying and that's what hurts the most. I hope that over time I can forget and move on, but for now, you're a pain in my heart that can won't heal.


Why oh why oh why? I want to go soooo bad D: Train, Mat Kearney, AND Andy Grammer. Of all days it has to be 2 weeks after I start school. FML. Things will never go my way will they? One concert is all I'm asking for. Sigh. Man I hope SLO has good performances >.<

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's more than just disappointment.

I really do hate myself sometimes. I hate what I've become and what I am. I try my best to let go, but it always comes back. It'll never go away as much as I try to forget about it. But I'm going to forget. Forget everything because I'm tired of this. Tired of feeling this way. I can't stand who I am anymore and that needs to change. No one will ever understand what I'm going through which is why I have to do this on my own. Things will hopefully be alright again.

Woot woot.

Summer break has been amazing already. From celebrations to parties, I'm enjoying it so far. On Sunday we went out for dimsum for my sisters birthday. Then I went to the Senior Grad/Pool Party for the entire day and watched The Dictator afterwards. That was lots of fun hanging out with everyone. Today, I went out with family to watch The Avengers and that was a really good movie. I can see why everyone said it was so good. I really liked it and the comedy was there :D Great plot. Afterwards we went to Red Robin and then the Bass Pro Shop. Overall, I'm just trying to spend as much time as I can with the people I love because that is what this summer is all about, spending it with those who mean the world to you. Good night world :]

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Man I'm so tired now. I woke up at 7:00AM for my election training. Thank goodness Amit was there and I wasn't alone. I saw Bernadette when I was leaving though. But yeah it was interesting and I think have most of the information memorized. Must study it again next week. Made the food for tomorrow and I can't wait. I ended up spending like 2 1/2 hours and it still came out bad. I hope the frosting doesn't melt. Praying for the best. Still haven't seen the drama but gonna watch Avengers soon :D Oh time is just slowing down now. I haven't even started any letters. I have so much to do these next few weeks. Before I pass out like yesterday, good night world & I still can't believe that I'm finally a high school graduate :]

Friday, May 25, 2012

MCHS Graduation.

I can’t believe the day has finally come. Through the good and the bad, I enjoyed all the memories spent with my fellow classmates. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to spend the past 4 years with and I’m grateful to have gotten the chance to know them. They truly changed my life and made my experience at MCHS unforgettable. I can’t thank them enough for all they have done. They’ll always have a place in my heart.

Graduated from Delta.

I can't believe it happened. It was all so fast yet slow at the same time. To stand by my peers and cheer them on was so much fun. I was so happy that I got the chance to spend this special day with them. Nothing could've compared. To see them accept all that they've been working for these past few years was just a great feeling. I'm so proud of each and every one of you who made it this far and I know that you'll all accomplish greater things in life. So I came home to even better news. I got all A's in my high school classes right now. I'm just waiting on Stats and then it'll be official. I might've reached my goal of getting all A's my last semester at MCHS and Delta. This would just make me beyond happy. But knowing that I did the extra credits in government and getting a really high score in the presentation just made me beyond happy. I still don't get how my grade is higher than everyone else's in my group, but I'm proud of myself. No more B+ for the past 4 semesters in government. Things are finally changing for the better. I'll never stop working hard because I'll somehow get rewarded for the countless hours of studying and time spent into these classes. Sooner or later, I'm bound to reach my goals and today is my day. I'm proud of myself for once to have done so much at such a short amount of time. We went out to eat at Dave Wong's after, but it was great with my family. I finally hugged my parents in idk how long. It's such a great feeling to know that my parents and relatives are there to support me. If they're willing to sit through that 2 hour ceremony, then it sure means a lot to me. I can't believe that in about 14 hours, I'll be graduating again. Tomorrow will be a sad day as we all know, but it'll be a great sigh of relief too. These 4 long and hard years are finally paying off, even if we may be sad. Time to cherish every moment spent tomorrow because those will be our last.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Reality check.

Time is slowly counting down now. 2 days is all I hear at school. Whether it is someone happy to leave, or sad that it's ending, no matter what, it's going to happen one way or another. We got our yearbooks today and it really changed everyone's views. It finally hit them that it's almost over. Our high school days of being foolish and staying up late to do last minute assignments are no longer going to continue any longer. Soon it'll be over and done with, and these past 4 years will seem as if a day has just passed. We're all moving on to bigger and better things and I wish everyone the best. I can't get over how these years have flown by. I've met so many people from lifelong friends to inspirational classmates to motivational teachers and staff. I learned so much that I would never trade in my experience for anything else. I loved and enjoyed it all too much to wish for something to be different. I like it all the way it is. But now it is time for us to push ourselves into this world we have yet to figure out. All I can say is best of luck to everyone and I'll miss you all.

It's time.

Don’t be sad that you’re growing up. Be proud of all that you’ve accomplished over these past few years. Realize that it’s finally time to move on to greater things in life. Don’t hold yourself back and just be happy. We’re all going through the same phase. Enjoy it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bittersweet day.


Well today was Stagg's graduation and it was great seeing Aaron and Sierra graduate. I'm so proud of them! Aaron got way taller and Sierra's valedictorian speech was totally Sierra that's for sure. I felt so happy for them and seeing all those people come together for one special day was very heartwarming to me. I also got to spend time with Jennifer after school at Baskin Robbins and KFC. I got my potato wedges that I wanted xD Then I saw Maryann and Kenneth at the ceremony too. I still can't get over how great it was to see such an important moment of my friends life happen before me. It was so surreal. And now it's slowly starting to hit me that I'll be graduating in a few days. Man time sure flies by. So I took my stats test and I got an 87%. However my grade in the class went up just .3% so now I have 89.3%. EIGHTY NINE POINT THREE PERCENT. I swear, I get the worst luck when it comes to classes. I'm always point something away from an A. Well I hope this isn't the case this semester. Please change my lowest test grade, pleaseee. Overall, it was a wonderful day. I got lots of compliments on my visual allusion which was nice. Mr. K told me it was one of the best artworks he's seen over the past few years and it should be more than $12 xD I was like :O more than $12? lol. But I'm really glad people liked it. I plan on giving it to him Thursday though since I'll have no use for it. Government presentation could have gone a lot better, but it's over and done with. It's way too late. We get our yearbooks tomorrow too :D Good night world & have a great week :]

Monday, May 21, 2012

"If you can wait till I get home Then I swear to you That we can make this last"

Man this song means so much to me. The lyrics are way too catchy and they always get stuck in my head. I'm way too excited for tomorrow. So much stuff going on: english artwork gallery, government presentation, and Stagg's graduation. I can't wait to see Sierra and Jennifer. Hopefully I see a few of my other friends from Stagg too. Ahhh, I'm so proud of Sierra for being valedictorian. Such a high achievement and it's great seeing your friends grow up. From kindergarten to now, things haven't changed. She's still that smart and crazy girl that I've always known. It's nice to know that some things don't change. Oh I can't contain my excitement for her. Looking forward to everything tomorrow. Good night world :]

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I pulled my "all nighter" with James. Close enough. I just wanted to pass 3:15 since I never stayed up past that. Oh wait, I didn't sleep until 4:00 the night of prom -______- Wow, that was a fail haha. Whatever, this is good enough for me. Tomorrow will be a longgg day. Good night world :]

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I figured out why I like to bite my straws. I don't like the fizz in soda and I bite my straw so I don't taste the fizz. Also, I don't swallow it all at once because of the fizz. Flat soda for the win :D

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You know,

It's weird how you hated me a year ago, and now you actually smile at me when I walk past you. I swear, things change a lot over time. Once you really get to know someone, that's when everything changes.

It's finally over.

Well after being calm throughout the day, my nerves finally kicked in during class. I was all jittery and couldn't sit still. Then my hands got all cold and sweaty. However, my presentation went a lot better than I expected, although I did stumble over many words, I'm proud of myself for remembering what I could. People liked the cupcakes and hopefully none of them got burnt at the bottom. Went to Baskin Robbins after school with Kevin and Debora and hung out in her car. It was a good day :]

Monday, May 14, 2012

Some guys are conceited too.

That has nothing to do with my post though. I swear, some people just love to start drama and it annoys the heck out of me. Why don't you man up, stop hiding behind a mask, and say it to their face. It's stupid how people beat around the bush or say something straight up but hide who they really are. Like really? Are you that much of a chicken to say it where everyone can see? It's freaking pathetic how self-centered and low people really are. You have to cause drama and make a big deal about everything. Even something that's stupid. I can't believe that people like this live each day happily knowing that they're being a wuss. Man up someday is all I got to say. I hate dealing with people who cause drama because it's so pointless. It draws people away since no one wants to deal with it and it shows what kind of person you really are. You can lie all you want, but it doesn't surprise me how you ended up this way. Not one bit. The more I hear, the worse it gets too. When will all this lying and drama stop? Oh right, it won't because you'll never learn true manners and what it takes to be a real friend. Glad I won't have to deal with people like you anymore. The sooner, the better. As you can see, I'm pretty mad about this since I can't stand people like that. It annoys me so much since they think they can do whatever they want. It doesn't matter cause you'll get what you deserve. Oh wait, it's too late cause you're already suffering aren't you? Grow up already.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


So kickback was definitely fun. Me and Kevin eating all those watermelons xD Anyways, we also played on the jumpers too. There was an obstacle course one and a slide. That obstacle one hurts if you're trying to race someone. I got scratches and burns from that one >.> Either way, it was still fun hanging out. I honestly haven't laughed like that or had so much fun in a while. Went to see my cousins play afterwards and it was interesting. Some of the kids sing very well too. The boy next to me was Mr. Fidget every 10 seconds. He wouldn't stop moving or looking at me and I'm just like why me D: Anyways, that was a good performance too. Went back to my cousins house and then went to their cousins house for a bbq. The food was amazing, especially that chicken. Yumm. I also met Rudy and sat in the pool for a while. Overall, it was a very fun day. Happy Mother's Day!!! Thank you mom for everything that you've done for me. Thanks for putting up with my laziness, annoyingness, stubborness, and so much more. I don't know how you can deal with me either xD But you've always been there for me, and I try my best to do the same too. I love your cooking, cleaning, and the support you provide me. You never let me down, and I'm glad I have a strong figure to look up to. Thanks for never giving up on me all this time. Good night world & spend the day with your moms :]]]]]]]]]]

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

Giving up.

I'm tired of putting all the effort in these friendships to see that you guys aren't even trying. I seriously hate how I'm trying so hard to make it work, but you aren't doing anything about it. What is this? Cause this isn't friendship to me. Whatever, don't even bother anymore.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tsk tsk.

Watching this drama makes me realize how alone I am. How depressing -___-

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's time.

I'm letting go of the past and moving on into the present and future. It seems that what we had is now gone and it's not coming back. I'm slowly starting to accept it, but I wish you would at least give some effort. Too bad you aren't trying at all cause it sure doesn't seem like it. Either way, it's over and done with and I have to move on with my life. I can't live in the past forever and hope that someday you'll change because at this rate, you won't. I was the fool for thinking you might. It was good while it lasted, but it hurts to know that you gave up. Good night world.


You have your whole life ahead of you, so why let it go now?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Have you ever been in love with someone that you never met?

Is it just me or is this crazy? Not really sure if it's a good or bad thing. & I wonder...


The more I think about it, the more I realize that I'm really excited for college life. There's going to be so much to take in, yet I'm ready for a new place. I know I'll be all awkward and shy, but it's that feeling of a new place that feels so nice. Even though I have to always keep on top of things without someone there to tell me, I know that if I keep motivating myself, I'll find a way to do everything that I need to. College life is going to be a huge change, but I have to start adjusting to it now. I must follow schedules, stay on task and on top of assignments, have better time management skills, not procrastinate (as much), and really explore everything SLO has to offer. I know it'll be hard, but sooner or later, I'll get use to my new home. I'm really excited to meet new people and explore the school/city. I'm just so excited for it all that I'm going to miss home a lot. I also realize how everyone will be going their own ways, but I know that no matter how far apart we are, I'll always be wishing them the best in life. Whether we talk or not, I hope that they'll succeed in whatever they decide to do. Even if I'm not as close to them, it's nice to be around them while I still have the chance now. All I can do is hope that we can all try to stay in contact with another. Being alone definitely makes it harder on me, but it'll be easier for me to branch out and hopefully break out of the shell I close myself in. There's just so much college has to offer, and I can't wait for orientation. That's going to be the first step of my college adventures. It's going to be a pre-college eye-opener for me. I'm not going to live there yet, but overnight one night is better than nothing at all. I'll finally know what it feels like to be away from home. Three more weeks, 14 more days, and who knows how many more hours, but all I know is, I have to make the most of the time I have left.

Friday, May 4, 2012

That dress.

I see it every single day now since it's just hanging there. It reminds me of everything that happened that day and it kinda gives me a chance to relive those memories all over again. As stupid as it sounds, looking at that dress brought back that whole day and I can't even explain how happy I was just looking at it. A possession can hold so many wonderful memories and it's pretty crazy in my opinion. I mean one little thing can bring back so many thoughts and I'm still surprised by it lol. Well it may be over, but the memories won't fade away. Now it's all about moving on and starting something new. Something fresh. Something beautiful.

I can't wait to meet you.

Ahh if only time would fly by faster.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I can't help it.

There's just some things I hate and some things I love about you. It's so weird haha. Well it's more of likes and dislikes, but love and hate makes more sense to me. Oh if only every night was like this. Listening to 60's music and watching good live videos. These are some good times.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Seeing everyones prom pictures just makes me all giddy lol. It's just too cute. I can't believe there's just one month left. I can't even begin to explain how much I'll miss everyone. Good night world :]