Sunday, April 22, 2012

San Francisco Trip.

So yesterday I went to the Cherry Blossom Festival in SF. It was pretty fun going back again and spending the day with my friends that I hardly even get to see at school. It's nice to get out every now and then. We took Amtrack and the ride there was pretty fun. I saw this guy who kept on glancing over/vice versa. I thought that would be the last time I'd see him again after we went on the bus so I was like whatever. Once we got there Mrs. Jara allowed us to just hang out instead of walking all the way to the festival. We ended up eating at The Cheesecake Factory. I ordered the Fettuccini Alfredo with chicken and it was pretty good. When I was ordering I pronounced it Fettusini and Daniel our waiter said it was called Fettuchini and I was like -_____- I knew I was gonna pronounce it wrong xD Dalia kept on laughing too but I guess it was okay. At least it made sense the way I said it lol. Daniel was hecka nice too which I why I gave him an additional tip with everyone else. After that, we went to Macy's to help Param and Mary look for prom dresses. I'm glad me and Mary found Param's dress :D I felt accomplished lol. We got to meet Hannan's brother too. Oh we saw two of those hearts of San Francisco which was cool since I never saw one before. We went to the bus stop afterwards which took like 15 minutes >.> We went to Japantown and went shopping at one of the stores. It was very cheap and one of the workers was like stalking/staring at me. I later went up to him and asked him a question hahaha. I found it kinda funny but he wasn't that bad looking. I got duck earphones which I loveeeee. Thanks to Dalia and Mary for showing me them. Everything in the store was hecka cheap too which was good. We left cause we were running out of time and headed to a bus station. Bernadette and Bren got there too late and the bus left. It was sad just seeing them on the other side of the street while the bus left. I loved standing on the bus even though everyone was like "sit down Amy" and I'm like -___- I really did like standing while no one else did xD Eventually we got back, but had to wait for Bernadette and Bren. We were the last ones to get there, but we all made it on time to get on the bus. I also witnessed a robbery outside the mall which was scary. I remember Pacific telling all the girls to hold onto their purses cause you never know what could happen. Yeah good thing cause that could've been me. Scary thing to witness firsthand too. The ride back was fun too. Guess who I see at the Emeryville station? The guy from that morning who I saw before I got on the train. I was just like wow, out of all people lol. Anyways we just hung out for a while since we got back hecka early. Eventually we got on the train and played random games like 10 fingers and a new one they made up called What's what. It was funny cause we had to either come up with 2 truths, 2 lies, or 1 truth and 1 lie and the person after us had to guess if the statements were true/false. I got everyone with the handholding one ;D I'm surprised everyone fell for it too. But yeah it was a fun ride. Did a lot of thinking when we were at Martinez waiting for a train to pass by. Yeah it was a fun day though. I was tired on train and when Mary said something about a hickey, the guy I saw from the morning walked by too. Hecka awkward. No idea why he was there though cause he wasn't even on the same cart as us o.O Anyways, Aman said something during What's what about Kevin which was hecka funny since she forgot he was there sleeping behind me xD Also, Bernadette and Bren were acting all couplish and Pacific hecka called them out. It was a very fun trip though. I needed a day like that to get away from everything. I even witnessed a fire on the way back which was small, but I never seen a fire so close before. It was pretty cool in my opinion. I'm sad we didn't talk much though. I seriously think we talked for less than 5 minutes on the entire trip. The more I think about it, the more it seems like things aren't meant to be. I guess this is what happens. We're just strangers again. Sad, but true. Anyways I had fun and I wish I could go again next year. Time to finally start on homework. I woke up at like 1:00PM xD I was so tired and haven't slept much all week so I needed it badly. I attempted at starting homework but could never get myself to continue. I have quite a few things to do too. Well that's all for now.

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