Sunday, April 1, 2012

Looking for something that you know won't be there.

It's such a disappointment, but you do it anyways. It's not always because you want to, but you never know if something is going to be there.

Anyways I haven't blogged in a while because I've been sleeping really late and I don't remember until after I turned off my computer. So on Friday we went to the retirement home and man that was an adventure. Buying 29 plates for $2 at a taco truck. Yeah Valerie was really confused when I said that on the phone xD But hey, it was cheap. Mary also picked up Angela on the way and it was interesting trying to find her house with no address lol. At least we weren't completely lost. We got there about on time and I went around introducing myself trying to get people to talk to me, which didn't really happen >.< I'm too awkward. But eventually one man talked to me telling me I should braid my hair. Well he asked if I braid it, but I said no. Then I helped get some food for people and eventually I sat down next to this man and started a conversation with him. I really tried to talk to him and learn more about him. It was interesting the stories he would tell me and we laughed every now and then. I really did enjoy myself, except he never came back >.> I felt like I scared him away. But later I also listened to Katie and Ed about travelling they did before. It was amazing how Katie got to tour Europe and said Paris was beautiful. I swear, that is on the top of my things to do in life list. Then Ed spoke about how he went to New York for his 60th birthday and it sounded amazing. I want to go there too someday. So much travelling, but no money. That's a problem >.< But yeah it was a very fun day. The view was amazing and the people were all so friendly and nice. I really enjoyed myself. Afterwards we hung out in the McDonald's parking lot for a while in Dalia's car. We decided to go to Oz, which was pretty good. Oh man I think I'm getting sick. I just sneezed and I got a runny nose D: Time to speed blog. So we all just spent some time together. Valerie gave me the longest hug outside the restaurant for quite some time. I really do miss spending time with Valerie. I felt that this semester really split us up especially since I hardly see her, and if I do we're in class or she's busy. I hate this distance between us, but we have been trying to hang out more. On the ride home, I talked to Mary a lot about colleges and teachers. Typical conversations and that was the night.

Today I went to Profile Day at UOP which was fun. Similar to their Preview Day but it's more geared towards your major. I did learn more information, but I knew most of it from past experience. When we were at the Welcome Session, I thought I saw someone I knew and it turned out it was Andrew from Key 2 College. I don't think he saw me, but I glanced over a few times >.< I think I thought about him a little more than I would've expected. I ended up running into Pacific and Bernadette on our way out to the Academic Session. After that ended, we went to lunch and we sat by this guy and his mom who I sat next to at the Academic Session. It was a little weird since I just saw him, but his mom was nice. I saw Shelly, Brian, and Leanna. What's funny is that I never expected to see Brian ever again after like 7th grade or when he stopped going to Chinese School. Well I saw him one time years later at Chinese School, but that was it. So that was surprising. I ended up seeing Derek and this other guy from Key 2 College. I couldn't even remember Derek's name, yet I remembered Andrew's which is quite odd. Anyways, we left after lunch because I had nothing else I wanted to attend. Went to my grandmas to see family, baked cakes, and made the icing. I think it turned out better than last time too :D Well I hope it's not too sweet either. I'm still learning. Earlier I was talking to Kenneth about colleges and I'm so torn. Like I really don't know what's best for me right now. I'm not sure which school is better and offers me more. Such a difficult decision. We also talked about old TV shows we used to watch and things I didn't know about him. He brought up Frankie J and I automatically thought of How to Deal. It really fit, well the title anyways, with my whole college situation. It's just like I don't know how to deal with all of this, but I hope I figure it out soon and make the correct decision as well. Enough blabber, I need to sleep. I'm just passing out sitting in here bed. Hopefully this cold goes away soon. I don't want to be sick, but then again no one would want to be sick. Well some do. Okay enough of this. Good night world :]

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