Sunday, April 29, 2012

A night to remember.

Well prom was definitely crazy fun. It was nice spending it with the people who mean so much to me and I really enjoyed every moment of it. So sad when my aunt started crying D: I was tearing up too and it was just all bad. I'm so grateful to be able to share my day with her and my uncle since my parents couldn't be there. I wish they could have been there, but my uncle and aunt were my parents for the day :D All picture taking was fun even though 3 hours still wasn't enough xD We got to the restaurant kinda late too >.< Then random people kept complimenting me on my dress or talking about it when I walked by. I was like uhh okay haha. A little girl said I looked like a princess xD Made me feel special. Walking in the city was pretty since it was getting late and the stores were all lit up. I can't believed I stayed in heels the entire night. I was just so use to it even though it hurt a little when I stood for too long. But yeah, James was a great date and I really had fun. I couldn't see myself going with someone else and I hope he had a good time too. Overall, the night was definitely one to remember. What I really liked a lot was dancing outside under the stars. That was something that doesn't happen much. The day went by so fast, but the memories will last forever :]

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