Saturday, November 30, 2013


It was nice being able to hang out with the girls today for a while. Taking random adventures just like old times felt so nice. We met up at Starbucks and even though I came half an our late, I was still the first person to get there! We went to Lollicup because I wanted food and was starving after Black Friday shopping, but it was closed :( I was so disappointed because I really wanted Lollicup too. Then we decided to go to the Hilton Hotel because someone said there was a Starbucks in there. We went in and it turns out that was closed too. So we went to this restaurant that had a bar, and we weren't sure if there was food or not, so Param asked and there was. We ended up eating there and the food was really good. I thought my sandwich was amazing and would eat that for lunch everyday if I could. I really liked it aha. Then after we talked for at least an hour and Param and Aman ended up leaving. The rest of us talked and all walked back to the parking lot together before we went our ways. I went with Mary to the mall and we ended up talking in the car for a long time. We talked about so much stuff and it was great catching up on everything like college, our holidays, the past, the future, and so much more. I was surprised with what I found out. Like so shocked I never would've seen it coming in a million years surprising. When something is going on in front of your very own eyes and you have no idea, it's just so freaking crazy when someone tells the truth. I can't even comprehend how that all happened. I really can't. You really can't trust anyone. But overall, I had so much fun today and I can't wait to see the other girls tomorrow! I'm super excited for more laughs and stories. So glad Black Friday shopping is over, believe it or not. I got some shoes, jeans, and random other stuff. Good night world & hope you're all having a lovely weekend :]

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