Sunday, November 24, 2013


I really need to blog more. So tonight was CSA Thanksgiving Banquet and also APO Formal but I went to the TBanquet. It was fun making the food and getting all dressed up. I had fun tonight and then Tina randomly calls and asks if I'm busy around 11. Jeff, Tina, and I went to go stargazing at a place Jeff heard was a cool place to stargaze. The road there was super sketchy and scary at night, but it was beautiful to stargaze. If it was less sketchy, I wouldn't mind going back with a blanket and really enjoying the nature around me. Turns out, Tina and I won the Running Man Trophy for traveling the most to IC events and helping Nick out since we're both on Historian Committee. Turns out we even get a gift card so we got one for Chipotle. I have no idea how that worked out. I also found out I won most innocent too. The one time I win something, I'm not even present to accept it, but I'm happy I actually won something aha. So today/yesterday was a lot of fun. I'm super excited to watch Catching Fire tomorrow! Everyone set my expectations really high for it. I still need to do math homework though :/ I will get it done! Good night world :]]]]]]

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