Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I'm glad it's all been said and done. I want to be friends until we both figure out what we want and focus on school without anymore distractions. I'm just glad my feelings are something I don't need to worry about now. I can also focus more on APO stuff from now on. I'm excited for more service and fellowship events coming up. Can't wait to see Iron Man 3 this weekend :) Looking forward to hang out with my Big for a day. We've been hanging out so much recently, and it's definitely nice because I feel like we don't really get the chance to since I'm always busy. Apparently we got assigned out Bigs in APO and mine texted me earlier. I'm excited for Bigs/Littles week to start. I haven't been thinking about it unless people ask me. It's going to be next week but I think most Bigs know who their Littles are already. So much to look forward to and I can't wait for everything to happen. Even with all the stress of school and APO, I'm happy and that's what I really need right now. Good thoughts and a peaceful mind.

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