Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I'm glad it's all been said and done. I want to be friends until we both figure out what we want and focus on school without anymore distractions. I'm just glad my feelings are something I don't need to worry about now. I can also focus more on APO stuff from now on. I'm excited for more service and fellowship events coming up. Can't wait to see Iron Man 3 this weekend :) Looking forward to hang out with my Big for a day. We've been hanging out so much recently, and it's definitely nice because I feel like we don't really get the chance to since I'm always busy. Apparently we got assigned out Bigs in APO and mine texted me earlier. I'm excited for Bigs/Littles week to start. I haven't been thinking about it unless people ask me. It's going to be next week but I think most Bigs know who their Littles are already. So much to look forward to and I can't wait for everything to happen. Even with all the stress of school and APO, I'm happy and that's what I really need right now. Good thoughts and a peaceful mind.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


I can't believe what I just did. Telling someone how you really feel is definitely one of those super hard things to do in life. My hands and legs were shaking, my palm was sweaty and cold at the same time, and my heart was beating uncontrollably. I don't know how people can do it often, but I'm proud of myself for being able to do it with support from my friends. Sometimes you have to just take a leap of faith and know that things will be okay eventually. If things don't work out, then it wasn't meant to be. I don't know where things will go from here, but I'm happy to say that this is the first time I've told a guy I like him and it feels good. Even if I don't know what will happen now, knowing that I took the risk regardless of the outcome, is something to be proud about. So yeah, I should really sleep now. Always losing sleep over him -___- Thanks to Jay, Devora, Mary, and Kenneth for pushing me to get out of my comfort zone and just go for it. Friends are always there for you no matter what and it's great to know that. Good night world & hopefully I'm not super tired for the IC Bonfire (praying I'm not sore) :]

Thursday, April 25, 2013


It doesn't matter whether it's a phone call, text, or seeing each other in person, I can always be myself around you. These past few days have been different in a good way. If only it could always be like this. Man what is happening to me? Why are things barely changing now? I'm so confused in my thoughts and feelings. I really don't want to over think it anymore.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


My hopes are now up after you asked for my address. I wonder if this will be my first package here at SLO. Maybe I can finally go to the package center for myself now. Hmmm. I hope you weren't deceiving me.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The terrifying unforeseen.

Hearing the news lately has been saddening. It's crazy to think there are so many people in this world who are willing to harm others. I know that this world isn't perfect, but it really makes you aware as to how real everything is. I wish things can run smoothly and people didn't have to die, but I know it's impossible. However dying in your sleep and dying from attacks and other unforeseen events (not saying dying in your sleep isn't unforeseen), but it is a less horrifying way to die. I'm choosing my words carefully because I'm definitely not targeting anyone or trying to send mixed messages. It's heartbreaking to know that so many people who deserve to live and can't because of other peoples actions. Many people say that the good should live, and the bad shouldn't, but life will never be that way and I will never understand why. Some people definitely deserve to live a longer, better life but who can determine whether or not someone should live. Honestly, no one can truly determine it. Death is something we can't control and we can hardly predict it in some cases. Death truly is something that I will never learn to accept in this world. I love the people near me and I can't imagine life without them. I'm very sensitive when it comes to these things and knowing that so many people are losing their life terrifies me. This world will never be safe from danger, but there hasn't been so many terrifying events that continue to happen so quickly after one another. I'm scared as to where humanity is going from here on out. So many bad things are happening and it's out of my control. I think that's what frightens me the most. I can never predict what will happen to me or anyone around me. Life is a mystery but when will the horror die down? I know it may never end, but there's way too much going on in this world and it's depressing.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

PolyCultural Weekend

I hardly blog these days but I'm trying my best to! So this past weekend was PCW and I got a chance to host to high school student. Basically PCW is to help convince seniors to come to Cal Poly and show them around the school and downtown. My hostee was Brittney and she was great to be around. From all the times hanging out in Chumash, random laughs and stories, and showing her everything SLO has to offer, I'm glad she decided to come to SLO in the fall. I hope to see Andrea, who was my roommate's hostee, too. We need more diversity at Cal Poly! I also decided to pledge this past weekend for Alpha Phi Omega with my Big. I also knew a few people who rushed as well. Just going to see how this goes and maybe I'll be initiated in the future. Good night world & have a wonderful week! :]

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

People are too set in their ways.

What do you do when you know what someone should do but they just won't listen? How do you get through to them? People are always looking out for one another, but advice isn't important anymore these days. What is happening nowadays? All I want is what's best for you, but you're just hurting yourself even more.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter :)

It was a fun Easter with the family. I finally got to see them after several months. It's been wayyy too long. It was nice spending the day together after so long. Definitely better than nothing at all. We ate and played games all day. I learned how to play Halo 4 and let's just say I'm not too good at it. I made a few kills after many deaths, but I accomplished what I wanted! I was raging a lottt. I'm sure everyone in the house could hear me yelling xD It was that bad haha. But I kept on dying in the game! Not fair. They kept on targeting me but it was fun when I finally got them back! Minecraft is more of my kind of game xD I died once because of the zombie and spider attacking me >.> Not cool. I must get used to survival since that was the first time playing it. I usually play in creative since I'm always making something. I finally finished my amusement park and started making a castle. Not sure when I can finish it, but hopefully it's someday soon. Now I'm getting ready for spring quarter tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous because I want to conquer this quarter head strong and hopefully I do just that. I really need to get my stuff together. No more slacking. Wishing everyone the best as well! Good night world & spring quarter, you're going down :]