Sunday, March 31, 2013

Thank you guys.

This week has been so good to me that I truly don't want it to end. I've been having a blast with my friends and it's sad that I can't do this again for another 2 1/2 months. I even got to cross something off my 112 bucket list. Today was a fun day with the gang before I head back to school on Monday. I love spending time with my friends and I’m going to miss them so much! We went to Sonics and Wingstop before heading over to Kevin's house to watch Wreck it Ralph. 3rd times the charm :) It was an amazing day and I wish this week wouldn't end. I'm glad to say that I'm genuinely happy right now. Even if it is temporary. There was some crazy lightning and thunder storms about an hour ago and I'm so glad it's over. The lightning was so frightening. Also Happy Birthday to one of my good friends Jennifer. Good night world & be safe! :]

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Endless fun.

Today was such a blast from Fuji’s to Monster Mini Golf to Arden Fair Mall, I had fun the entire day. I found out I can eat sushi again and not get stomach problems. I will eat California Roll once again. I got 55 when we went golfing which isn’t bad for 18 holes. 3 hole in ones though :) It was so cool! I loved the glow in the dark. Wish there was more than 18 holes. The arcade was so much fun! I've been meaning to go to one for the longest time too. My friend was wearing a white bra and we all know how that went down. Then we went to Arden Fair Mall and what’s a fun trip if you don’t get lost along the way. The GPS kept failing but we managed to make it. Thank goodness. Witnessed a hit and run car accident right in front of us too. It was a long tiring day but it was definitely well spent. I missed everyone so much and it was great to hang out before we all head back to school. Good night world & another thing to check off my bucketlist :]

Friday, March 29, 2013


Wow I haven't blogged in foreverrr. I didn't even think it was this long. Anyways, it's been nice being home and spending time with family and friends. Also lots of free time to myself. Sad how half the week is already gone. I have plans everyday until I leave so that's good news. Hanging out in Sac with the girls tomorrow, hanging out with my other friends Saturday, and family on Sunday. Then gotta leave on Monday :( but I'll make the most of this week before it's over! So ready to start spring quarter with a fresh start. Well I hope we don't get lost tomorrow! No stomach problems would be nice as well. Then I can probably enjoy sushi aha. Praying for the best! I'm so excited! Good night world :]

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


For a while I've been thinking about selling stuff whether it be stuff I make or stuff I own that I never use. I keep thinking about what I should make to sell and so far I have friendship bracelets and 3D origami. I'm thinking about making hair bows since I love them so much. Everything seems out there already which is why I have no idea what to do. I want to do something new or a new version of something old but I haven't had any ideas yet. Maybe luck will find it's way to me? Still not sure if I should get an Etsy or just use Facebook or something. Decisions, decisions.

Monday, March 18, 2013

It's life right?

The moment when your very close friend isn't the same person anymore :/

Fairy Tail.

I started reading this manga called Fairy Tail on Tuesday and I really enjoyed reading it. It slowly got better and better so I couldn't stop. Next thing you know, I was determined to catch up in 7 days and I did! I caught up today (it only took me 6 days ^_^), probably 10 minutes ago, which makes me happy. But now I have to wait once a week for a new chapter to come out >.> Oh the agony. Well now I can focus on my finals without any distractions. Good night world & best of luck on your finals! :]

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What am I going to do?

Just when you think life was going alright, your whole life comes crumbling down in an instant. This is what rock bottom feels like. This is the point of no return.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Everyone is just getting married/engaged out of the blue. Man where have I been? Under a rock probably. Well either way, two more weeks and I won't be. Next Friday is going to be the best day in a long, long time. Thank goodness. I'm already making plans for spring break and I hope they all happen! I really want to see my friends and have a picnic or eat out/go out of town. I'm so excited and hopefully my mom lets me go. Good night world & always remember to stress less :]

Sad right?

Monday, March 11, 2013

I love my friends.

They're always there to support me when I need it the most. They're truly some of the greatest people I'll ever know in my life. Thank you guys, for everything :]

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Glad to say I had a great weekend! Friday I started reading Cardcaptor Sakura and I watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Saturday I watched Failure to Launch and When In Rome. I'm in love with When in Rome! It was such a cute movie. Super funny too. Then today I hiked half of Bishop's Peak which had a beautiful view. I also watched some tv shows, did my homework, and finished Cardcaptor Sakura. Time to watch the anime :3 Such a great weekend. I wish it didn't have to end. Time to sleep! No more staying up super late, especially with finals next week. Good night world & have a lovely week :]

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Sometimes I wish I was good at something so I could share it with the world.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Sometimes it's easier to act like someone you aren't than who you truly are.


Even though I'm really stressed over Chemistry right now, making a strangers (sort of) day just made me happy. At least I can take relax for a minute.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I need to talk to my friends more. I miss them so much.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sleep deprived.

I really need to start sleeping on time again. I keep staying up doing homework or talking to people and it's not good. Must get back into my old habits now.

I miss you.

You really don't know how much I wish I could see you and give you a hug. It's been 3 months already. I can't wait for break or summer. 

Time flies.

I didn't remember what happened on this day until I was reading some old conversations we had. One year flies by fast.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mixed messages and feelings.

I told myself that I've drawn the line from friendship and something more, but there's always something that makes me have those feelings again. That compliment just made my heart flutter, but I have to remind myself that we're just friends. It's hard but I'll be okay someday.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


So stressed with the paper and powerpoint, but I finally got everything done around 9:30PM.  I haven't been that stressed in a very long time. I was going crazy. Talking to Oksana definitely got it off my mind. I have yet to practice for the powerpoint :/ Tomorrow won't be going too well. I can say that for sure. I hope everyone knows when they're going. I hope I know too aha. It was nice working out in the Rec Center when there's hardly anyone. I think I'll make Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday my go to days. We'll see because I know I'll get lazy. Wish my group and I luck tomorrow. Time to practice. I'm going to be so tired in the morning x.x At least once I present, no more worries until my exam this Friday (which I just remembered...) Good night world & have a lovely week :]

"Tonight before you fall asleep I'll run my thumb across your cheek Cry cause I'm here to wipe your eyes."

Today has had it's turn of events. I worked on my paper and finished it after Family Olmypics. It was so much fun though! They had 6 events which were Twister, eating a donut off a hanging string, hot dog eating contest, discount fashion show, newlywed game, and a food relay. I wanted to help with the discount fashion show because they had to cover the manliest guy in each family with toilet paper that had to be a dress. Other people in my family wanted to do it so I just let them. It honestly wasn't a big deal if I participated or not. However, I'm glad I did in the food relay. Eating all those saltine crackers and taking a shot of freshly squeezed lemon juice was pretty fun even if we didn't win. We ended up 7th/8th with 9 families. I'm still glad I went though! Then I came back to finish my paper and put it all together with the parts that were done. I still have the powerpoint left which I'll probably start now or tomorrow but I feel too drained right now to do anything. Had this huge argument earlier but honestly, I feel good after it rather than angry and upset. Only thing I wish that didn't happen was all the crying. Then I came across Wipe Your Eyes~Maroon 5 which helped a lot. Sometimes songs can make things a lot better. I wish I had someone to wipe my eyes, but at least I got everything I wanted off my chest. So yeah, I don't know where things will go from here now. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013


No more crying as I tell myself after the 3rd breakdown I had.

Friday, March 1, 2013

I don't know what to title this aha.

Jennifer Lawrence is just great. She's so down to earth and real from what I know, which isn't much. I admire how she doesn't change who she is even with the fame. Seeing all the gifs on Tumblr makes me want to meet her. Plus The Hunger Games makes it better. I can't wait for Catching Fire this year :]

What a week.

Monday: Almost got hit by a car. Can’t assume anything these days.
Tuesday: Tripped on my way back to my dorm. Hopefully no one saw.
Wednesday: Failed my CE midterm, however I can still pass the class. My calculus teacher is changing the grading so I have a chance to get an A.
Thursday: I overslept and woke up at 9:05 and got to class at 9:12. On a good note, a police car let me cross the street on the way to class and liquid nitrogen is amazing to watch. The levitating metal was unbelievable.
Friday: I didn’t know what time it was and thought it was 2:15 when it was actually 1:15. I think I did well on my math quiz, but not so good on my geology test. I went on a tour at a geotechnical firm and ate at Margie’s Diner for the first time. I decided I’m going to work out more too. 
February ended pretty bad, but hopefully March will be better.


"Are u sure ur not confusing ur feelings of him as a best friend and him as something more?" Thank you Angelica for helping me realize that I was looking at things wrong. I really needed that.