Thursday, May 30, 2013

Life gets crazy.

So many good and bad things have happened over the past few days that I just want to talk about them. Bad  things first. I realized how bad I'm doing in my classes and I didn't know until Week 9 which is depressing. I thought I was at least passing majority of my classes and I am, but not with the grades I want. At least my sister set me straight tonight because all I needed was to hear it from someone. I also failed my exam and 2 quizzes so now that I'm almost done with APO stuff that kept me busy, I can finally set more time to study. I've been having a hard time managing that and I hope I can now. I haven't slept much this past weekend and it's terrible not wanting to get up because I'm too tired. I feel physically and emotionally drained with all this so hopefully I can rest. My left hand was shaking the day of bowling and I don't know why. It might be from the lack of sleep or the coffee I drink to keep me up, but I hope it's nothing serious. The last thing I need is something bad to happen. My grandpa's sister in NY is sick which means we might no go, but I rather have her be healthy more than anything. Even if I don't go, I'll be sad, but health is a priority no matter what. I just hope I get to meet her soon or someday because I don't think I have. On a brighter note, I've been spending a lot more time with friends and less on school (which will be switched again). I saw a shooting star last night which made me hope that something good was coming. I gave my Big his gifts for Big Appreciation and I hope he likes them. I worked really hard and I wish I could have done more, but time is an issue. I talked to Jay tonight which I haven't for a very long time and it makes me miss all my friends. We were so close and college makes it hard but nothing changes with some people and it's so relaxing to know that. Jay is one of those few people who pick up from where you left off and I'm to have a friend like him who checks up. He does troll a lot but he's a wonderful friend to have. So I'm getting closer and closer to being done with my first year. I can finally see my family and friends from home and get some sleep in my own room. I've been through a lot this quarter. I've been so stressed yet so happy at many different times. It's pretty crazy all the emotions a person can go through. As of now, I'm stressed because I do have homework and stuff to do, but I'm being lazy (not good). I just need to rest now because if you don't feel good, you won't be able to do anything. Time to just sleep because that's all I really want or need. Good night world & schedule your time better unlike me :]

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