Saturday, May 25, 2013

Friday night.

Well I'll have a lot to blog about this weekend that's for sure. My feet hurt from wearing heels. I hope I can hike/do service tomorrow. I pray that I didn't over do it tonight which I sure feel like I didn't. I wasn't even sweating from dancing! Usually I do but I still had a fun time regardless. I rather not sweat anyways aha. It was nice getting ready with our small group, getting there late but still on time (don't think we missed anything), took lots and lots of pictures, dancing, and most importantly, having fun. I had so much fun tonight which I haven't had since my high school graduation. I'm sure I have, but this is definitely a night to remember. I bet this whole weekend will be honestly! It's already starting off super good. Something that made me happy was how people never forced me to drink. I know many people are like that, but I'm glad they accept the fact that I choose not to. Thank goodness I've met people who are accepting and a lot of fun to be around. I also played a few games (with lemonade of course) and it was fun. I won't disclose the details but I'm the type of person who can have a good time without drinking. Glad that I haven't lost myself and I hope that I don't. So thanks to everyone who made formal possible, Carmen, Mariana, and Jesse for helping me get ready and curling my hair when Carmen was the only person who knew how, APO people for being the best as usual, Luis for being the photographer and hanging out with me when he could, and the endless memories. I will say this over and over again, APO has impacted and changed my life so much and I'm so glad to be part of something so amazing. It's hard to explain how much happier I've been because of APO. These people make me look forward to going to meetings and events. I'll see some during service tomorrow too. I should realllyyy sleep now before I can't function tomorrow. Good night world & thank you again for everything APO (I mean that with all my heart<3) :]
P.S. Even better news: There's a chance I might be going to New York this summer and thinking about it makes me so happy I can pee in my pants! I'm so excited beyond belief because I don't get to travel and I desperately want to. I hope this works out because I have my hopes up already!

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