Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 Resolutions.

2013 Resolutions
1. Work out/eat veggies
2. Be more productive/better study habits
3. Drop my bad habits & instead: grow out nails and don't be online as much
4. Get my license
5. Let go of stupid things and be happy.

Well now that 2013 is almost over, let's recap everything! As for number 1, I worked out the first half of the year and stopped the second half of the year. I am eating veggies now, but I really need to eat more of that and fruits. I wasn't productive and didn't have good study habits which I definitely must change. I didn't drop my habits either. I did get my license and I finally let go of stupid things that I shouldn't be bothered by. I do feel happy but there's always ups and downs all the time. However, resolutions are always just goals I hope to aim for. I only did 2/5, but there's always time to change. And now here are my resolutions for next year:

2014 Resolutions
1. Work out/eat healthier
2. Study hard/get priorities straight
3. Enjoy the year and live a better life.

I always struggle with eating healthier and studying so I definitely need to change that. It varies all the time throughout the year, but I need to change my entire lifestyle, not just for the year. I also have to enjoy everything 2014 has to offer and make it better than 2013. I'll do my best to blog more as well. I'm doing the 365project with Devora and I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully I stick with it and don't forget. I really need to get my life together. A new year makes me reflect and want to change, along with everyone else, but who actually does change? Nothing happens if I don't make it happen. Let's hope I'm not saying all this and don't end up carrying out. 2014, here's to new adventures and making it a better year than before :]

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Her special day.

It was such a magical day and I’m so happy for Jessi! We’ve been friends for 8+ years now and it’s crazy to realize she’s married. I really can’t believe how fast time has gone by. So glad everything went well in the end because I definitely tried my best to make sure it would. Had to get the flowers ready, the cake done, food needed to be set up and served, cleaned dishes (not the funnest thing but I did enjoy it), and pretty much run around and do everything I can so that everything would be perfect. Today was Jessi's day and there was no way I was going to let anything go wrong (if possible, I tried). I would've stayed to take things down, but I was exhausted after running around all afternoon/night getting things done. I literally don't want to walk for the next few days. Wearing wedges and doing all those tasks wasn't the best idea. Especially not for 3 hours at least. I really loved how the cake turned out. Devora and I did such a good job. So glad she was willing to help me with literally everything I needed to get done cause she was there helping me the entire time. I'm just so happy even if I didn't get to really sit down and be a guest, but it takes a lot to make everything perfect. I'm even more grateful she trusts me enough to take over and get things done. It's so stressful, but in the end, it is definitely worth running around and getting tired/sore. I know she'd do the same for me if I asked her to. She looked absolutely stunning in her dress and the reception hall was beautiful. They did a great job from planning to the execution and I’m happy that she’s found someone so special. Thank you Jessi for all the wonderful moments and many more to come. Wishing you and Moises everlasting love and happiness together. You guys have already conquered many hardships, and now you can finally be together in marriage :]

Thursday, December 26, 2013


There are some songs that you can really relate to no matter how many times you listen to it. Some people just don't get it, but you have to experience somethings before you understand.  It may be never or someday you look back and realize "why didn't I like this song before?" Here is a song that means a lot to me and describes a part of me word for word right now. Say Something~A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!!! :D

I hope that everyone gets to spend the day with the people that they care most about. Christmas is never about the presents and shouldn't be about that. We must remember that we come together to spend time with each other and the ones we love. I can't wait to spend time with my family tomorrow. I'm thankful for so much and tomorrow is another day that I'll be forever grateful for. Here's a song for everyone to enjoy. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays~Nsync Good night world :]

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Your loss.

Why do I always put you first while you put me second or last? I deserve so much better than this so why do I even bother putting up with you? I want to let go badly, but I don't know why it is so hard for me to. Maybe it's because I thought you were better than this. But it turns out that you are no different from the rest. Such a disappointment. I give you chance after chance, but you continue to take our friendship for granted. I don't think I can do this much longer. If you don't need me then please say so because I'm tired of putting up a fight. Sometimes you need to learn when to let go. For me, that time is now. I can no longer put your happiness before mine. Sorry but I won't be the only one who cares now.

Friday, December 20, 2013


Sorry I haven't been blogging at all this month. So much went on after my birthday with finals and now I'm home for the holidays. Glad I have a few weeks to enjoy myself before going back to school. I really just need to destress and spend time with family and friends. I will get it to together and conquer the rest of my second year. Here's to staying strong and overcoming failure.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Doing too much.

Why do I continue to do this to myself? Why do I let you hurt me?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Late post.

Thank you guys for surprising me at midnight with your presence and a lovely pink cake for me. I was so surprised that I didn't even know what to say. I wasn't expecting anything at all, so it meant a lot to me. The cake said #HapzBdayAmy which was hilarious. We stayed up for an hour or two talking for a bit and then I finally got some sleep. They sure know how to surprise me. I went out to dinner at Olive Garden with Jesse and Kelly. Jesse said he was going to tell the waiter it's my birthday and I told him I don't think they do birthdays. Next thing you know, we hear the waiter say Happy Birthday really loud to someone on the other side which was perfect timing. I'm glad he didn't say anything because I was fine just spending time with them. Plus I got my chicken scampi :3 Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday. My friends posted and sent me the sweetest things that mean so much to me. I was speechless reading so many of them! I'm lucky to know the greatest people in the world and I wouldn't change that for anything. Good night world and best of luck on any finals this week! :]

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Home Sweet Home.

It's already my last day of this wonderful break and I don't want to leave yet. Can I just stay home until Winter Quarter starts? That would be lovely. I miss my family and friends so much, but I'm glad I got to be home these past few days. Only two more weeks before I'll be back for 3 weeks. I literally can't wait already.