Saturday, February 2, 2013

Merde. (aka Break A Leg)

I looked up the term "break a leg" because two of my friends told me it and I just wanted to know the back story of it. I went to Wikipedia and I read this, "Professional dancers do not wish each other good luck by saying "break a leg"; instead they say "Merde!", the French word for "sh*t." I can not believe what I just read haha. My sister and friend now keep saying "Merde Amy" but not merde of course. Oh man it's nice to have a good laugh. Tomorrow is the big day. Thanks to everyone who has been encouraging me and wishing me luck! I won't let you guys down! And thank you Debora for trying to surprise me even though you can't. It's the thought that counts :) So here's to a great day tomorrow! All positive thoughts right now. Go 49ers! Superbowl to end the great day. I'll blog tomorrow and let you know how it all goes. Thanks for never giving up on me. It truly makes me feel loved. I love you guys too! Good night world & I'm blessed with the best :]

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