Friday, December 31, 2010

"There's only one thing, to do, Three words for you, I love you."

1234~Plain White T's

Everytime I listen to this song I think back to us. The way we would be on IM for hours just talking. You'd type one line and I'd type the next. I felt you were the only one who truly meant everything you said to me. And now, I'm lucky to talk to you once a week. It's quite sad how things turn out. You've done things I would've never guessed you would ever do. We listened to music, slow danced, shared what happened during the day, watched a drama together (I'll never forget that), but most of all, I felt so open to you. You are one of my best friends, but I feel like I broke our friendship. Each day when he talks about you, I can't do anything but sit back and listen. I want to stand up for you, but I don't have enough nerve to. I'm sorry. Very sorry. I wish I could tell you everything that happens, but I don't want to hurt you. I wish things were the same like it was 2 years ago. I really do. Even if we hardly speak you'll always be my best friend, because in the end, you're the one who knows almost everything about me. If I was given a chance to turn time around, I'd go back to that one day in Danner. I still can't believe he shook up your soda and you didn't have a clue, but it was sure was funny. After you left to get napkins, he told me how you felt. From that day on, I ignored him and now the friendship we once had is gone. I probably still would've done nothing, but I wouldn't have ignored both of you. I didn't realize that I did have a big part in this. I could've changed what had happened. But maybe it was never meant to be in the first place. I'm glad we're still friends, even if it means hardly speaking to you because I'm lucky enough to have gotten the chance to really get to know you. That is one thing other people don't understand. You've told me your life story and people just judge you from the outside. I'm glad you came into my life because you truly make me happy 'Rose' & I love you as a friend =]

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