Thursday, December 30, 2010

"I'll be waiting time after time."

Time After Time~Cyndi Lauper

A classic song. Just like putting up lyrics/songs that pop up in my head and maybe somehow relates to whatever I will post. I can't believe this year is coming to an end. 1 more day left and its gonna be 2011. It seems like yesterday I was promoted from the 8th grade and now a year and a half left and I'll be going off to college. I never knew time would fly by this fast. Never. And now it seems like there is nothing I can do but sit back and enjoy it all. I want 2011 to be memorable and better than my previous years. Then again I hope for that ever year. At least I have many resolutions to keep me busy. I hope I can at least go through with one or more. And just so I don't forget:
1. try hard to get all A's
2. get my permit (1st time)
3. learn Fur Elise&practice for 1hr each week
4. fold 1011 cranes
5. try something new
6. no english hw during fp
7. 2.5 hours online on school days
8. hw BEFORE computer
9. be more productive
10. try watching all the colts games (starts in the summer)
11. take a chance
12. write about it
I already accomplished the last one aha. Too bad the year hasn't started yet. Well I can't wait for a new year. It's like a fresh start and you can do anything. Something about the new year is different every year. I don't know exactly what, but there's just something about it. Now that this year is coming to an end, it's time for me to have my new start. To be a better person to the ones around me, take more chances and not hold back, but most of all, not to be afraid of whatever obstacle that will come my way. So 2011, give me all that you got, because I'm ready to get the year started. It's time to start from scratch and make my way to the top. I also want to thank my friend kenneth for showing me this blog site (I guess I will call this) since this is just the start to the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one. & now back to watching Despicable Me :]

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