Monday, October 29, 2012


So it turns out he wants to go to the concert. I hope this all works out for all of us! :D Ahh so excited already xD

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Some people are very inconsiderate.

I really wish people could read minds sometimes. Some people are selfish and only think about themselves, not giving a care about others. I guess I put others before me too much. I always get the shorter end. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's kind of a funny story.

So I met two people here and they're both CE's. I totally thought they were dating cause they hang out together all the time, but it turns out they're just friends. It kind of surprised me cause it seemed like they were dating, but they aren't. Guys and girls can be friends, but they have so much in common lol.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Somehow, things don't change. Just like feelings...


So glad that no feelings were hurt cause this is a turn of events! P.S. I got RED :D Happiest girl alive right here :]

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I want to see you badly. I never thought that I'd you miss you so much.  I'll never forget, even if we haven't talked in a while now. And when you brought up Taylor Swift, I went crazy. If only we weren't 5 hours apart. I'll always care about you. I have to say, "Losing him was blue like I’d never known Missing him was dark grey all alone Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met But loving him was red." How accurate.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Somehow, my heart still skips a beat...

Life lesson.

I had CE 111 today and Dr. Fiegel told the class some advice that I found very useful. Over the next four, four 1/3, or four 1/2 years (this joke has been used so much), we will have a lot of highs and lows at SLO. We will hit some good times and some bad. However, he told us, "This is only one day of the next four years." It really stuck out to me because we will all have some rough days, but there's always better ones. Even if this is our first exam, there'll be 50 more. He told us all of that and I was like "wow this applies to me so much." I have my first midterm tomorrow and I'm scared because I know I'm doing bad in the class. However, his words of advice boosted my confidence so much. I know that this is a rough time, but it will get better. I just need to work harder next time and know that I can do this and I will. Thank you Mr. Fiegel because your advice truly helped. I even added a post it of the first quote on my wall. It really means that much to me. Well I need to get up early tomorrow to study. Good night world & don't procrastinate, it never helps in the long run (I need to take my own advice more often) :]

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I'm throwing my life away and I'm not doing anything it. I don't know why but I've lost my motivation. What is happening to me?

Monday, October 15, 2012


So before I blogged about this guy that I saw all the time on campus and it turns out he lives in the same hall as me. I saw him a few times and realized it was the same guy all along. I still don't know who he is exactly, besides where he lives, but now I know why he looks so familiar. I don't see him anymore so it's not weird. These past few days have been fun. My family visited me on Saturday and it was nice spending time with them. That night, I went bowling with some friends. It was supposed to be cosmic, but that didn't start until 9:30PM. Usually it's at 8:00PM but I don't know why it wasn't. Either way it was a lot of fun and I got my highest score ever :D 137 if I remembered correctly. Woot woot. So happy haha. Then we played pool and I did so much better than last time. Like I completely sucked last time, but this time I did good. Chris even called me a hustler, Brandon wanted me to make gutter balls, Victoria didn't understand how I could bowl like that, and Keri flipped me off. I don't think Will said anything. But either way, it was a fun night. Sunday consisted of being lazy and finishing homework last minute. I have my first midterm this Friday and I'm scared because I'm not doing well in the class. I hope I can at least get a B, but at this rate, I'll be lucky with a C. Let's see how well I can focus. Good night world :]

Friday, October 12, 2012


Sitting alone in bed with nothing to do. College life right here haha.


I'm beyond tired right now. This is why you never do math hw the night before it's due. It never works out! Not done, but I'm going to sleep. Good night world!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I'm almost like an open book. It's easy to tell when something is bothering me sometimes. I guess if you really know me, you'll know most of the time. So yeah, good job for you, but now you know something is up...


  Sigh, it's been too long :(

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I'm sick with a runny nose and dry throat. Whyyy D:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Just when things are going fine, everything spirals out of control out of no where. Life, why must you do this to me? Haven't I suffered enough as is?

Monday, October 1, 2012


It honestly feels so good to know how you feel. It clears your head a lot.