Friday, June 14, 2013

So shocked.

No person in their right mind would ever say something like that so what is wrong with you? You are such a despicable person and I'm still in shock as to what happened. I was so happy to come home and now I just want to be in SLO, alone so no one can bother me. Why do you have to start drama over absolutely NOTHING? How are we even related?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Going home.

Everybody keeps asking me why I want to leave so early, and honestly I just don't want to be here any longer. I've spent an entire quarter in SLO without going home and all I need is a break from school. I've spent enough time with all the people that I wanted to and I don't want to stay more than I have to. People need to understand that I had a great time for the year and I'm done with being here. It's as simple as that.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

There goes my night.

Time to cry myself to sleep because of my grades. When did I become like this?


Talking to you makes my heart skip a beat sometimes :3 Three weeks need to fly by!

Monday, June 10, 2013

So close.

Two finals down, one more to go. I can do this! Just a few more things to pack. I can't wait to be home in 2 days! I can no longer contain my excitement now :)


Having a guy friend being mistaken as your boyfriend. Uh huh...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's about time.

Finally going to start studying even if it takes me all night. Must pass this class! No more slacking. Hopefully I can sleep soon though. I also realized that I can hopefully see you :) Listening to Ed Sheeran doesn't help it either. I miss you.


I'm disappointed in myself for not trying as hard as I know I can. I know I am capable of so much more than what I do in school, yet I lack the motivation to study and it sucks because my GPA just slowly keeps getting worse. I don't even know what to do anymore. There is a chance I won't pass Chemistry again and my heart is just torn. I'm such a disappointment. Why can't I change?

A brother of APO.

I am now officially a brother of Alpha Phi Omega. I don't think it's hit me yet, but it sure will next quarter without the pledging process. I know I'll miss seeing and hanging out with everyone, but it was all definitely worth it. I know I'll spend time with people who I've gotten really close to and I'm looking forward to more events. Fall 2013, I'm so close to being ready for you. I just need to learn how to cook. But overall, today was a lot of fun. Initiation happened next to the beach and the view was amazing. We were blindfolded again so that's always scary. We went to Hometown Buffet for lunch/dinner and then watched Struck By Lightning, The Dictator, and Sorority Wars. They were all really good movies and I loved the variety from comedy to dramatic to emotional. Then we went to McDonald's and ended up talking for over an hour. I had such a great time and wish the weekend would be like today, but it's time to start studying for finals. I have 2 on Monday which I really need to study for. I'm hoping for the best at this point because I need to start packing too. Hopefully time will be on my side. Well it's late and I really need sleep. Good night world & thank you APO :]

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Finally got to post up pictures from last weekend. I usually post right away so it's odd when I don't. I can't wait for initiation tomorrow! I'm super excited and I hope we don't do some weird stuff. I love you Alpha Tau Pledge Class! Also crossing something off my bucket list so I'm getting things done! Not really lol.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Hearing about my friends falling in love is just the cutest thing ever. I'm so happy for them and I can't help it. I'm all giddy inside for them and it makes me feel like it's happening to me even though it's not. I can't help but feel this way. All you can do is wish them the best and all I want is to see them happy.


It's been a long day. I stayed up late last night doing my chem prelab which didn't take too long. I wake up this morning and it's 8:03 and I realize I'm late. By the time I get to class, I saw that it's cancelled so I secretly cheer in my head, but hope that my teacher gets better. I go back to my room and sleep for 3 1/2 hours until my next class. I was pretty darn tired. Today felt like I weekend because I pretty much sat in my room for the entire day. I got all my math homework done so I'm pretty much done with all my work. Only need to study for 2 finals this week and a quiz. So close to being done. Here's a picture from the beach clean up that I absolutely love! My mom and grandma <3 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Take time to realize.

I can go to every single class and do the work, but still not pass the class. I realized that I really need to get better study habits. It's not because I go to class all the time, but it's the fact I don't put as much time outside of class. I'm going to focus on passing the classes I still can and hope for the best. I'll still try in my other class but we'll see.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Let's get awayyy.

These weekends just fly by now. I went to a Shwayze concert last night and I have to say some of his songs were pretty good. I liked Love is Overrated and Better Than Most Love. I had service this morning at Grover Beach but it was so clean! In the car, I looked back and I was like wait, why can I see the floor (we were in Jeep). Then I asked Adam (the driver) "Is your trunk supposed to be open" super casual because it didn't hit me that it shouldn't have been. He freaked out because Tina was supposed to close it earlier after she took stuff out of the trunk but forgot to. His sleeping bag flew out too but another car behind us who was also going to the beach picked it up. That has got to be one of the highlights of the day. We were done after half an hour but we were supposed to do 3 hours of service so we tried to find trash, which wasn't easy. Afterwards, we went to In-N-Out for our fellowship event. I'm done with all my requirements except the exit interview on Monday and the final on Thursday and I can finally cross (well hopefully I get the phone call this weekend). I don't see why I wouldn't though since I've done everything on time. Then I went to finish writing my write ups for my interviews with my friends and we went to Thai Classic for dinner. Asian food is bomb when you haven't had any for an entire quarter. I miss rice SO MUCH. Can't wait to be home in 10 days! It must come much faster. After dinner, we went to Batch and ran into Alex M, Jennifer B, and Alston and we all hung out until we went out own ways. I got back and finally got to take a shower after smelling like the beach for the whole day. I feel so refreshed now. I've been listening to music, watching movies, and doing nothing once again. I have service at 9 tomorrow x.x I'm done with my hours after today, but KC needs more hours in order to cross, so the pledges and actives are trying to help her. Plus it's on campus so it'll be much easier. Well I really need some sleep or else I'll be dead tired tomorrow. I also finished something on my bucket list today but I can't upload pictures or blog yet because I don't have my SD card. I will try to as soon as I can! Good night world & have a wonderful weekend :]