Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Bummed out :/

I really don't even know when was the last time I blogged. I'm using my Tumblr a lot more often, even though I don't blog much on there besides for my 365 Project. Anyways, I had breakfast with Jesse after class today and it was nice catching up. I do have to say, I'm pretty bummed out with my classes still. I know I shouldn't focus too much on my future classes, but I do want to graduate on time. He says some of my quarters would be way too much if I took some classes together. I honestly don't even know what to do. I'm trying to make it work, but it's so difficult at the moment. I'm definitely going to focus on my classes that I'm taking now, but I will go see my advisor soon so I can decide on what to take next quarter. Just so torn right now. I'm also no longer going to active retreat since I have a math midterm Monday which I really need to study for. I better not waste this weekend. I really need to do well in the class, and it's not even that difficult since I'm understanding the material. I have way too much on my mind. What I need is a nice long nap. Hopefully my day turns around because I need a little cheering up.